Final Life. Maybe it was the way it was introduced, maybe it was the timing. It quickly became a sensation. People flocked to it as if it were a miracle cure. A small implant at birth began the change. Slowly reality was augmented, then society became entirely virtual. Jobs were entirely left to machines, and humanity was placed in tiny capsules, their consciousness entirely separated from their bodies. Plugged into an entirely virtual world. With the absence of jobs, or even real necessity to move, humanity turned to entertainment for everything. For the first time in the world, a video game dictated someones standing in life. The better you were there, the more idolized you became. Everything mattered from the amount of gold you carried to the titles you earned, some never given out more than once. To play was to influence your future. Classes were given based off of your play style. Every move you made before turning eighteen narrowed down the classes that would be available to you. From the first sentence you speak to the color palate you choose for your armor, everything plays a part. Then you pick from a list given to you by the system. Fully integrated once chosen, it can never be changed. Classes became ranks. Certain classes unlocked things that would be impossible for others. A great knight was much more likely to employed by a castle, and gain glory than a swashbuckler, after all. It began to influence even the smallest of things outside the game. Whom you were 'allowed' to sit with, or even talk to. The story follows a group of friends on their way to fame. Just wondering if anyone felt like doing this or not o.o I'm kinda new to rp, so, i'll give it my best ^^