Kharne gave the giant armored hulk a rather toothy grin when his acid tore through its armor and weapon. A barrage of arrows and its weapon was broken. It spoke though, which was surprising. But then again giants did have their own language. It was just the hill giants that weren't particularly bright. Rolling his shoulders through he sheathed his sword while crouching low to the ground, watching the thing fall and skid along the ground. He wanted to see how fast it could move. Fire engulfed it, blocking the draconic mans view a bit. Just a dark silhouette of the giant as Ardur hit it with magic. But Ardur was knocked away by a rock thrown by the flaming giant. [i]Well it's smart...[/i] He thought as two soldiers stupidly moved in and were killed for their troubles. Gil started talking, making Kharne shake his head. [color=red] "I have two shots. It's not magic, not really."[/color] He said as he used those huge muscular wings to launch him forward. While the giant celebrated killing two soldiers Kharne bolted around with animalistic speed and grace. His tail snatching up the massive head of the warped and ruined axe as he went. With the ruined weapon in hand Kharne kept moving, running along on three limbs instead of four. As he neared he rose up to just his legs and swung the damaged axe full force using both hands. His own strength plus momentum would probably cause a lot of damage if it actually landed. It'd be even better if the axe wasn't damaged but it was still a great big hunk of metal!