[b]Hey all,[/b] I'm never unsure about what to write here, however due to wanting to actually meet cool people on here, I thought it was best to force myself to actually post. So... hey! Online I generally go by Kalo, a nickname derived from my username. So feel free to address me as that, if you're stuck on what to call me. As I've been asked a few times on other sites, I thought I'd take the time to actually explain my username and the weird spelling of 'dreamer': Kalopsia , as a quick google search will inform you, describes a condition, state or delusion in which things appear more beautiful than they really are. Dreemurr is an alternative spelling of Dreamer that I've taken from a characters surname in Undertale. Moving on some, here's some more basic facts in bullet-point fashion to ensure I don't babble. -I'm 19, male and studying English Literature and Creative Writing at University. -I've been roleplaying on and off for roughly 7 years now, taking breaks when school and life demanded it. -In past experience, I generally like to incorporate Fandoms, AUs and romantic aspects into my roleplays. I'm eager to continue these trends while also branching out. I believe I'll leave it there for now, but please ask if you're curious or have any questions- I'm glad to have found my way here, I hope to make myself at home soon. [b]Kalo[/b]