[@Renny] [quote=@Renny] [@jynmi88] Just wondering. You seem to have the right idea, I was only worried that interest would start waning. [/quote] Understandable. [@sassy1085][@Renny][@Champion] I've got a preliminary CS. It might change in the OOC, but at least it's something for you guys to work with CS Appearance Name: Age:(The gene will be activated at the same time, over various individuals at different ages) Personality: Backstory: (life before Genius gene is activated and they're drafted into the Shinigami and academy ) Strengths/ Weaknesses: (Do they excel at one form of Shinigami arts, and are weak in others? Kido? Hoho? Is the character a jack of all trades and master of none? Do they rely entirely on their zanapkuto ability for a fight? Are they less a fighter, and more support? Etc. Etc. ) Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance Name: Zanpakuto spirit appearance: (Optional) Release Command: Shikai Appearance: Shikai Ability: The primary ability of the shikai Techniques: (Remember our characters have only just gotten to their swords names so only have one, or two basic techniques with their weapon's shikai form)