[@King Tai] [color=AFB5B6]"Woah,"[/color] she gasped, and after a small initial shock, [color=AFB5B6]"that's amazing!"[/color] Her eyes seemed brighter as she looked the clones, reaching out to touch one before retracting her hand with a small bit of shame. She couldn't seem to stop her own interest in the other's mutation. [color=AFB5B6]"Are they alive?"[/color] Was her first question, only the first few drops of a flood of them which permeated her thoughts. [color=AFB5B6] "Are they real? Can they get hurt? Can they speak?" [/color] and after a small moment of realization, [color=AFB5B6]"Wait, are you real?"[/color] She realized how stupid that question was, having just watched him sprout two clones from himself. [i]Of course he's real, what are you thinking?[/i] [color=AFB5B6] "Ah, Nevermind."[/color] She said, shaking her head slightly. With yet another realization, she noticed that she been much too forward again, and abashed herself internally. [color=AFB5B6]"Right, sorry..."[/color] she left off as she decided she would rather not seem redundant with her apologies. What she had said still seemed so wrong, but she could not risk her words losing their meaning. No time now to regret it, and nothing left to do but continue. Even after feeling so abashed however, she couldn't help the flow of questions escaping from her mind. [color=AFB5B6]"So, anyway, how do you do that? Can you control them? How hard is it to keep them, err, here?"[/color] and with a small laugh, [color=AFB5B6]That's so cool though, all I do is turn into a puddle."[/color] She had always been curious about mutations and how they worked, and how they could be used, often daydreaming on how she would use a different mutation if she had it herself.