[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjEzYmVhMS5VbWwyWlhJZ1JtOXVkR0ZwYm1VLC4wAA,,/ofaly.demo.png[/img][/center] _______________________________________________________________________________ No sooner did River explain his plan than Kharne rushed forward with extraordinary speed. Closing a good amount if distance between him and the monstrosity that lay before them. His maw gaped open and spewed a veritable amount of acid directly at the creature. As if in anticipation the demon rose up it's axe blocking a surprising amount of acid, only allowing a few splotches to get past and eat away at his armor; this was however at a cost. With the axe now weakened and still held up to block, an archer cast a few arrows into it's hilt splitting the damned thing in half. [Color=00aeef][i]Good, one less thing to worry about[/color][/i] Though quick, Rivers eyes detected the latent magic that coupled those arrows and threw his eyes in the direction of their owner. [Color=00aeef]"So nice of you to join us Aradeyr![/color] he shouted towards here and then began speaking to himself [color=00aeef]"and not a moment too soon I might add."[/color] More and more comrades joined into the fray each providing their own unique skill set to aid the team. Genthok valiantly (or foolishly he could not quite tell) went down closer to the demon and began to cast his form of magicks. Blood in hand amd strewn across his chest, his cast went forth and established the ground beneath allowing for the demon to stumble on its own weight and fall. A proud smirk ran across Rivers fave as he watched his comrades not just foolishly rush in but attempt to work in harmony to weaken the thing before going in. Noticing Artur beneath him River hopped off the tree and onto his back, grasping a tuft of furr [color=00aeef]"Onward valiant friend! Our help is nee-"[/color] he was cut off at the horrific sight that fell before him. Ardur cloaked his arms in flames as he launched a heated assault on the monster only to have a rock hurled towards him knocking him fifteen feet back. [Color=00aeef]"Curses, I should have foreseen that. It matters not at the moment. Let's make haste Artur!"[/color] Dashing forward he tugged on the bears furr to signal it to halt. [Color=00aeef]"This should be plenty fine."[/color] dropping his sword of ice into the ground he pulled out his book and held his hand over it, eyes closed and concentrating. He heard the screams off the two fallen soldiers and the sounds of bones becoming dust beneath the giants feet. Finally River opened his eyes to Gil unsheathing a spear and watched as the magic did it's work. A sphere of water formed not even 1 foot away from the red hot section of the monsters armor and then slammed into him like a torrent. Cooling the spot as hot steam rose off the plate towards the giants face. The giants attention was fixated on Gil and the spear as he was noticibly about to charge once more. [Color=00aeef]"Not on my account you unholy abomination"[/color] a large pool of water formed in front of the path the giant was charging through about 5 ft away from his current position. This pool of water immediately froze over becoming a thick, sheet of smooth slippery ice. Rivers eyes fixated on Gil and was prepared to shield him in a sphere of ice if the giant got too close for striking distance.