Roan nodded after the woman finished speaking and watched her leave him there after excusing herself. He couldn’t care less about the butterflies but he felt unmotivated to move against the crowd and that was the place with the biggest gathering of people he knew off and consequentially the highest chance of him overhearing something useful. Considering how that had been the only way he got any trustworthy information on this town, barring bumping into random strangers, the path he had to follow was obvious. A few minutes and a sigh later he went to where she had gone, moving on a slower pace than before to avoid bumping into anyone else. Reaching his destination, Roan behaved exactly the same way as others in the crowd, excluding a continuous light tap of his right foot on the ground which began when nobody went to make the next announcement after the bald man. His attitude remained the same over the whole event, only chuckling once when he heard the reactions around him caused by the nervous man excuse. As soon as all the speeches were made and people started mobilizing into competitions, Roan went to check all the possibilities. [i]’What better way to show those fools their folly in laughing at my expense than beating them on their own games. ’ [/i] He thought so with a big smile resembling that of a predator. Strutting to the tug of war competition he noticed only a few of the competitors as possible challenges to his victory and cracking his knuckles waited for the moment to begin. Feeling the texture of the rope on his grip he then proceeded to pull the rope… - Sweaty from the previous contest, Roan approached the archery competition. Whilst his archery skills weren’t where he trully excelled he felt as a hunter he needed to partake on it and with a sudden sense of invigoration he moved forward.Seeing the previous competitor turning back downcast he proclaimed at the same time he picked one of the available bows and arrows for the event and got into position. “Here, I will show you how it’s done.” Touching his left hand on his forehead to remove a drop of sweat, Roan then stretched the bow and aimed at the target, shooting a single arrow. [hider=Rolls] [url=]Tug of war(17)[/url] [url=]Archery(15)[/url] [/hider]