Lucas observed from his comfortable spot on the floor as the foxman from the earlier meeting took up the same challenge he had just undertaken. However, as entertaining as the spectacle was, the mercenary whose name he didn't bother to commit to memory kept egging on the combatants. Has he never gone out to a night of cabaret or is he simply ignorant of basic spectator etiquette, Lucas wondered in disdain. Instead of rectifying Alex's behavior though, the inebriated knight simply stood up and started walking away just as the fight was getting good. The fun was spoiled, and he had already fought Sir Kyros anyway. However, just as he would exit through the training hall's doors, Lucas would loudly state one thing to Seth. [b]"You better not get upstaged by this mercenary, [i]fuchsmann[/i]! Your people's honor depends on it in the eyes of Byzantium and Italy's aristocracy!.. My eyes!"[/b] With that, Lucas would exit with what little grace he had currently left in him. The effects of the fine wine were starting to worsen as it had been a while that he didn't have watered down swill that could still be considered alcohol. He would stumble towards his room, struggling to open the door. The windows were easier to unlock once he was inside though. Fresh air was what he needed, and the gardens just outside their quarters promised to have an abundance of that. To his non-surprise, the odd lady was still there but she had a new acquaintance with her, the even odder Orpheus. From window sill, Lucas stared at the pair with dumb grind on his face. Now this was interesting. [@Rex]