[h2] [centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria [i]Darya[/i] Romus[/color][/centre] [/h2] [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre]Old Harbour. Main stands, Race day. [/centre] [/h3] [/color] [hr] Victoria calmy switched between the languages, growing up speeking both had set them solidly into her mind, fluent speeking both, though her written and read Russian was weaker than her English. A British father, and a Russian mother she had grown up a somewhat mixed house, a Russian godfather and eventually meeting her half sister. Victoria had to think abit to make sense of it all. A warm mid lengh coat and belt hung loosely open, ernough to keep warm despite the racing cars so close by, yet not boil during the gaps. Her slim figure obviously, almost dangerously thin to more panicky people, though much as she tried, Victoria was as she was. Winter in Sol still was not the Bahamas. Despite her Russian blood she hated the cold. Thanking the fates that she was not gonna call ambulance, too many people had assumed her pale skin tone was a matter of illness, and emergency not a aftereffect of a illness. The second half was slightly more a confusing gesture but seemed to be implied posetively. At least she thought so anyway. [i][color=6ecff6]Thanks, im just abit less steady on my feet. I spent too long in hospitals, around doctors. [/color][/i] Shaking her long white hair out her face a second, she saw the fighter show a small metal SCFD badge with her name. Obviously the silence was for a reason and not some strange form of a insults. She must be mute for some reason unknown to the world. Extending a much smaller and ghostly pale hand in return, a pale blue ring glittering away in ice blue from the bright sunlight. [i][color=6ecff6]Victoria Darya, Romus, should be a fun afternoon, if a little loud. Nice to meet you Ashton [/color][/i] Feeling fairly relaxed and the knot in her stomach easing a little, Milo should have received the message and at least he not rejected her out of hand. There was hope she could try and undo the damage, eventually. Having a car of her own woukd atleast give her a a little more freedom to get about. Once she remembered that they drove on the wrong side of the road! The woman next to her was certainly a mystery, tall, mute and scarred. Somthing told Victoria she had had a somewhat intresting life to day the least. It was definitely not uneventful. Turning back to the race as another car boomed down the straight, passing a slower car dramatically to a loud applause. Breaking harshly into the corner though the first car pushed a tight line and barely had any road left before retaking the position. On the screens the next few turns where a tense battle of possioning until thr second driver backed off waiting for a new opertunity. She knew why Marla had decided to leave, but it certainly was shaping up to be a exciting afternoon though. [hr] [@Silver Fox] [hr]