[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9wLF5Zl.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dVg7him.png[/img][/center] History:[indent][color=Silver]Growing up in a settlement constantly under attack by raiders and supermutants, young Isabel Cruz discovered her skill at robotics and computing in a world filled with violence. After everyone she knew were murdered at the hands of The Forces Of Darkness, Isabel stumbled upon a pre-War factory originally run in a juncture of private industry and the military, formerly known as Robotics Technology Facility RB-2851. From there she began her grand plan, inspired by drawings of the comic books and radio show character, the Mechanist. Using the resources avaialble to her in her new lair, Isabel built an army of robots to do her bidding, and sent them out into the Wasteland to save the people of the Commonwealth, pacifying areas by killing raiders and other hostiles. Isolated in her bunked, the Mechanist has avoided most of the upheavals in the Commonwealth over the past few years, relying solely on the data from her bots for news on the state of the surface. She has happily noted a decrease in engagements recently, and presumes this is due to the success of her crimefighting efforts, and is beginning to prepare herself for a return to the now pacified world.[/color][/indent] Notable People:[indent][color=Silver]Isabel Cruz, Eyebot "Sparks", Robobrains[/color][/indent]