Artemis took her and wrapped a blanket around her and started to look for clothes. “What has gotten in to her....” robin asked and all three of them jumped when a voice said “when wolves are hurt they seek the company of their pack to feel better. Her mind is so confused that it’s using a natural healing trait to recover” strange was standing in the door way, looking at wolf sadly. Robin had jumped hard and turned and said “don’t do that! And what can we do to help?” Strange moved into the room and knelt in front of wolf and took her hands. Artemis had her in some clothes now and moved back and watched. Strange held her hands tightly and said “I’m sorry....I was hoping to spare you more pain...but it seems the shadows needs you to know the whole truth...even things I don’t know...” wolf looked at him and said “I tried to fight it...I knew if I let them overwhelm me that I could loose myself...he said that I could loose my mind if I didn’t learn to control them first before letting them loose...” Strange frowned and said “who told you this?” Wolf closed her eyes and a couple tears ran down her face. “The man I have been training with the past months...his the one that got me into the fights to help me train and learn more about what happened that day Rita got hurt...Raz Al Gouel” robin stared at her, almost dropping a picture frame he had been looking at. “What?…you went to that nut job....for help?”