[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Alright, Eden map has been updated. Please remember to post EXACTLY where you are in your header. Not where you are headed. Also, when you request a roll you HAVE to give me all the information. I am ignoring rolls from now on without all the information. I won't even tell you it is wrong now. It is listed out with examples provided in the Zeroth post now. [hider=Eden] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/gxsVzc/Eden1.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=Silver]Eden[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/eBiCJS/toodles.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=white]Location:[/color][/b] Eden: [color=0072bc]18 -> 22[/color], [color=598527]Tank[/color], [color=f26522]Near Bridge Road[/color] [b][color=white]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Survival[/color], [color=598527]Tank Operations, Land Navigation[/color], [color=f26522]People Reading[/color][/center][hr] Well Eden knew they were there now. It wasn't every day that someone came rolling up to the place, much less in a tank firing and blowing up their walls. Adamm had expected that Newnan might come at them one day, it never really settled with him that they would just let things go. Hell he wasn't. Even though Zoie was dead he was just buying his time. Yet what was rolling up on Eden from what he knew was NOT Newnan. Newnan didn't have a tank. He knew they didn't have a fucking tank. He [i]knew[/i]. Yet, there was Lola rolling up in her tank and Beatrice firing a large hole in the wall on the north side bridge. Effectively opening up a way in for them. Lola grinned from ear to ear as she kept pushing forward. [color=598527]"Aces mate. Reload if ya haven't and be ready. Think that hole is big enough for us for now. Better hold off until we get closer,"[/color] she said as she drove. Gavin laughed as the shot tore through the wall and took out an Eden scumbag. [color=f26522]"Oh that be as sweet as cornbread smothered with honey,"[/color] he said to himself. Looking through the scope he kept an eye out. He wanted to move behind the tank and come up slowly but he held position right then. He swore he saw movement over on the lakes edge on both sides of the wall there. He wasn't sure where Thana was right then so he held position to make sure any of their folks coming in from that area were in the clear. Thana kept low and looked around slowly, scooping out the area as best she could. She was within the wall and every military fiber in her being was screaming at her to hold position and wait for the others. They were to do this together. Yet there was a rogue aspect about her, the same that once ran through her sister. They were twins, they were identical. Circumstances had been what made them different but at the base they were the same and that same jump before you look ran heavily through both their veins. From where each person that was attacking Eden was, other than the few on the wall that was just blown, no one else could be seen on the Eden grounds. At least for now. One was speaking into a walkie talkie but with the big badda boom that just occurred there was no way in hell anyone knew what was being said. Hell the smoke and rubble that was kicked up one couldn't even attempt to read lips if they were able to. But hey at least one was dead from what they could see coming in on the bridge. So that was something. Lola looked and rose her brows. These idiots that were left either on the bridge or on the ground now that were still alive were actually taking aim at the tank. And firing. [color=598527]"Wow, that's fucking dumb,"[/color] she said as she chuckled. She could hear the bullets hitting the tank. It sounded like little marbles clinking away against the steel. [color=598527]"Think we pissed them off?"[/color] she laughed as the sound kept clinking away. Gavin had seen some stupid things in his time. Really stupid things. Like a drunken cowboy trying to rope a ride a turkey on Thanksgiving. Oh wait, that was him. But either way. That still wasn't as stupid as a couple of idiots trying to shoot down a tank with pistols. That was a whole new level of cheese slipped off ones cracker. Sure, it was better to fight than flee most of the time but it was a goddamn tank - they had a better chance of out running it than breaching the steel with 9mm.... Thana didn't know what was going on, all she knew was that genes over rid common sense even for her right then as she dashed forward from where she was. Straight across an open road, straight across an open green and right into the woods on the other side. Apparently stupid paid off for her at least right then because she made it. Whether or not she had been noticed, she had no idea. All she knew was that she was that much closer to the building she had been told was where the Eden people called home.