Because every RP I start is an experiment in some way, what would you guys think of possibly utilizing the OOC to further IC between posts? For example, after a mod post I might post OOC to list questions that could be answered IC or OOC -- character goals and intent in the moment, what they'll do about it, how they feel about other PCs or NPCs, what about the environment has caught their eye, etc. Same for posts that you guys make -- I'd ask some leading questions about your post, not because the post isn't good but to get some feedback to think a few steps ahead of where the character's going. And, of course, questions for me: clarify the environment, get more info about a specific subject without having to RP through a conversation, OOCly have your character montage through some information-gathering, then maybe ICly reflect the results later. We won't know how it'll go til it's in practice, and will probably change as we feel it out, but what d'you think? :D [@Cairo][@drewccapp][@Virgil][@Girlie1Bomba][@YungTweak][@WittyReference][@c3p-0h]