Bangor Confederacy, Outskirts "Sir, Is this training exercise necessary," asked Kan, looking at the commander Elmer J. Pelker."For the last time Lieutenant, it is as is General Staffers Orders" The Commander replied clearly irritated "Sir, yes sir" Kan screamed. He then went back to his regiment, the 8th magic infantry company. Kan continued to do his training, which was casting a mass incineration spell to combat basic infantry. "damn it, why can't I get through to him, we don't need magic our tech is advanced enough" Said Kan to his commanding officer. "I don't know, maybe its because he's higher class than you" Jake yelled into Kan's ears. " And I will not have you use this type of language under my authority as your commanding officer" Jake continued "now drop and give me 20... thousand push-ups" Jake commanded "sir, yes sir" Kan mumbled Next day "All troops come to Outside for today's training exercise" The Announcer blasted through a microphone "Boy's were going hunting today, hunting orcs is that clear," Said the Commander "Sir, yes Sir" the soldiers yelled. The soldiers then marched to the Khai Forest a place infested with orcs. The soldiers used their laser rifles to cut down the orcs but they were still too many. Some orcs started using basic magic. The soldiers were shocked and the orcs used to there advantage getting really close. But Kan in the nick of time to use an incineration spell to cut down the remaining zombies. " And that boys are why you use magic," The commander said with a smirk. Breaking the simulation telling the soldiers to rest.