Thanks for the suggestions guys! [quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Last, though not least at all, you might need to "bump" the topic per day or so as prospective members tend to look for and through the first few pages more than anything else. This all said, there is a bit of a game involved and hopefully this insight will see you further off than where you were. [/quote] Thanks man! I wasn't sure if bumping was discouraged around here, but it seems not :P [quote=@Scarescrow] Be more descriptive with your RP as well. What do you mean when some advancements had been made? Are we referring to a new type of agricultural advancements, new energy sources, or new weapon types? The population is also an important factor when playing a zombie game. I did read that you said, "Set in the US." But what place do you have in mind? Is the RP gonna begin at the Washington DC during the winter or the Nevada Desert during summer? [/quote] I was planning on putting all that info if I actually created the RP, as I din't want to overwhelm the reader in my interest check, but it seems that may not be the best idea. I think I'll add a bit more info in my interest check ;)