Standing behind the bulk of grouped up people, Eygon was filled with many regrets. First and foremost, not only had he ruefully decided to stand too far away from the group, but he also didn't remove his helmet which caused him to blend in with the rest of the generic guards. It was warm in here, and he could barely hear anyone aside the emperor's booming voice. Would it be too awkward to shuffle closer now? He shook the thought out of his head and decided to endure for a moment longer. That said, he was standing perfectly upright with locked knees and he noticed that was going to mess with his blood flow soon enough. Time passed and the emperor allowed the subjects to ask questions. He noticed that some of them were even making requests - now more then ever he wished his visor wasn’t obscuring his vision so he could at least properly view the people he’d be “adventuring” with. He could just about make out a few in his periphery - there were more semper Fae than he expected and one particularly odorous man in rags. He could hear a new woman storm into the throne room and talk to the emperor using his first name but she was standing too far off to take a good look at her. Eygon considered, on several occasions, to take off his helmet - but he was in too deep now and had to see this through to the end. Besides, he would be too sweaty to show his face to the emperor. The emperor was exceptionally generous with the arming of adventurers assigned for his mission indeed. As the cloth covered desks rolled into the chamber, Eygon sensed his chest tighten up due to the sheer influx of magical instability that the items hidden underneath the covers emitted. The fact that the emperor then freely allowed them to pick and choose the items enforced how dire the situation really was. As the rest of his party shuffled to pick up their items, Eygon finally followed suit by carefully trying to wander into the crowd, acting like he was always there. Aside from awkwardly nodding at anyone that commenced brief eye-contact with him he was seemingly drawn to a specific ring. Large, bold, and golden, with the small engraving of Solus where a gem would usually rest. After locking eyes with the ring which resorted in placing him in a deep trance like state, Eygon reached for and was hit with the sudden realisation and rush that left him in a daze. Outwardly he seemed stuck in the spot, staring at the ring as if in love. Inwardly, it took him several seconds to actually remember where he was, before shrinking back into the gathered group.