[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] The group quickly sprang into action, with Alicia surprised to find some new additions making themselves known once they had arrived at their destination. "I'm sure there's some kind of joke here," she muttered, more to herself than anything. How odd was it that they would only find one magical girl willing to help out back home, but here in the Overcity they were practically falling out of the sky to help out? Not that she minded, but it would have been nice to know ahead of time. Fortunately, with added help from Scout the two of them were able to take out at least one Gorelion, and if they had been worried about being able to see before her arrows made sure that there was plenty of ambient light to go around. "No kidding," she huffed in agreement with the observation of how tough these guys were. They were all going to need to kick it up a notch if this was the kind of resistance they could expect from here on out. Keeping up the fire, Alicia prepared to add a bit more juice to make sure her arrows had some oomph to them. Yet before she could do that Mariette mentioned opening up portals that they could use, right before the Gorelions seemed to lose all sense of strategy and launch themselves forward in a full on blitz of the Earth Bastion. She wasn't sure if it was some kind of coincidence or if Mariette had been responsible, but having all of those things bum rushing the ship wasn't exactly what she would call an optimal situation. Jostled by the impacts against the ship, Alicia stumbled back before retaking her place on the railing. "Fine, guess I'll have to pull out some new cards. Star Seraph, let them see you burn." Pulling back the drawstring on an arrow of light, her gaze narrowed as she focused on the Gorelion that had slammed against the ship. The glow of the arrow intensified, brighter and brighter until it shone like a small star as she poured mana into it. Then at some point only she could determine she released the drawstring and fired. Instead of an arrow though it was a solid beam of light, crossing the short distance to strike the Gorelion from at an angle compared to where she was standing. Her aim did not waver, instead it moved as she traced a burning line from its head to its neck, doing whatever it took to put that thing down for good. Once it did, she shifted aim and prepared to repeat the process with the next one. And so on until those things attacking them were good and in the ground. It burned her energy like nothing else, but given the circumstances it was necessary. Better for them to make it to Justine as intact as possible, rather than for them all to be drained by the time they got there. It was a choice she was willing to make.