Meesei let out a quick, halfhearted laugh. "Concerned? I expect it. We have been technically 'allies' in this war, insofar as one can call someone they distrust and actively dislike an ally. Our treaty was formed early in the war, and to their credit, I suppose they have not betrayed their word. Still, I would not call us close friends by any means. We occasionally give each other information to help make strikes against Vile's people, but otherwise, we do not work together or coordinate in any close sort of way. I have only met one of their representatives a small handfull of times since we formed the alliance." Meesei sighed. She closed her eyes and, with her ear pressed up against Lunise's chest, spent a few seconds just listening to her heartbeat. "I do not like Molag Bal, and were it not for the fact that Hircine himself directed me to do it, I would never have approached his servants. He is no Daedra of honor. His existence is dedicated to the domination and corruption of mortals. Although, I suppose that would also explain his willingness to prevent Vile from gaining so much power over him. Or from eliminating his source of mortals to corrupt. We do have a mutual enemy, but we will be asking him to fuse his own power into that axe. That is a kind of direct involvement that he may loathe to give. So far, it has just been his followers doing his bidding. And they are no kind souls either. Their leaders are an Argonian woman and her Dunmer spouse, both ancient vampires. Exactly how ancient I do not know, but from what I remember of speaking to them, I think they are far older than you or me...or your family...or the whole Empire. Not to be underestimated, certainly." [hr] A slight smile appeared for at least a moment on Do'rhajul's face. She was making some progress, at least. He did not wish to try and force her to become something she was not, but her devotion to the safety of her people did make it easy for him to determine what she would ultimately choose to do. If putting on an act would help them, he was confident she would do it. Although, he could not say that her concern for him was illegitimate. In fact, he agreed with her assessment pretty much exactly. Regardless, it was not something that actually worried him. "Well, if that is your fear, then perhaps I can simply remove the source of the problem once it is all over: myself. And before you get that look on your face, no, I am not suggesting anything that would spill my blood. If, by some chance, I do survive the assault on Vile's realm, then I can simply leave. I can remove myself from your clans and go my own way. Perhaps build a cabin by some isolated river in some foreign land and live out my retirement in peace. You would neither have to worry about me, or about losing your place in your clan." He suggested.