[hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmY5ZjIzMy5RWFZ5Wld4cFlTQlFaWEp6YVc1bGRIUmwuMA,,/natyl.demo.png[/img] [/center] [hr] The girl introduced herself as Aquarius Haifisch, and she was a talker. Or at the very least, was comfortable enough to hold a conversation, as shortly after introducing herself, she decided to segue into another topic. Aquarius was rather observant, correctly assuming Aurelia wasn't from Vale and going so far as guessing her country of origin. Was it that obvious? That thought was, once again, correctly guessed as Aquarius would point out how traditional she was. It was all said very quickly, Aurelia had to take a second to make sure she took all her words in. Sure, she wanted to be more open with people, but she had hoped to ease into it; Aquarius was metaphorically approaching her stone wall with a cannon for all intents and purposes. "[color=yellow]Yes, I am from Mistral,[/color]" Aurelia decided to admit. "[color=yellow]My father disapproves of Atlas' ways of educating their students. And Haven has...too many familiar faces...[/color]" Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, she decided not to press on Haven, choosing to steer the conversation another way. "[color=yellow]I suppose it may sound odd to you, but seeing the world and all it has to offer is one of my aspirations. Why not begin by seeing another country entirely?[/color]"