[b][i]EFG Curious; cargo bay[/i][/b] Astra had nearly freaked out when she saw the beings that emerged from the shuttle, bearing what she would consider heavy arms. Her hands curled into fists and her VR switched to combat mode, but she kept enough presence not to move an inch otherwise, let alone deploy her weapons. As it turned out, that was a wise decision, as soon after what she assumed was checking their safety, the beings seemed to relax, and one of them approached her with open palms. Astra hoped that was a gesture of being non threatening - she couldn't quite decide, as some Faira Marines had palm-mounted plasma projectors to fight at close range. The being looked alien, yet strangely similar, walking on two legs and with a set of two arms and one head - it seemed that sentient evolution preferred such a shape. This one was even almost as tall as herself, giving her a hint on what gravity she could expect the beings to take. The Faira commander decided not to reciprocate the gesture, as the shield projectors in the palms of her own suit might spook the visitors. Instead, she slowly raised her arm, straightened out and bumped it against her chest in a salute, before looking where she assumed the being’s eyes - should it have any - would be. Then she dropped her arm slightly and waved it in front of herself. A hologram appeared, showing the cargo bay, the animation of the airlock closing and vents blasting in the atmosphere, alongside of visual representation of the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen down to the number of protons, neutrons and electrons, three and seven of each respectively to give them an idea of the atmosphere composition. Underneath all of that was a stylized button, which Astra left unpressed, but pointed at - as if to say ‘You decide’. It was a slight gamble in the manner that perhaps their science explained the composition of an atom differently, but she and the boffins believed that there was no better universal language than the building blocks of the universe.