As Bruce swapped modes on his cowl, I pulled the domino mask off of my face and, folding it in half, placed it in a pouch on my utility belt before swapping it for another, more specialized mask. Without wasting time, I spread it's two symmetrical ends apart and watched the lenses light up. It operated on a limited battery nowhere near as powerful as Bruce's cowl, but it still allowed the same function for a time. "Let's get started," Bruce whispered, cracking his knuckles as he began to search through the room. I did the same, analyzing the area where the woman had been shot, just a short way away from the spot where the crowd had been encircled by the four men in police uniforms. Standing several feet away, I'd eyed a gentle twinkle on the carpet. So, getting on my armored hands and knees, I stared at the source of the sparkling light, then I announced a theory. "Batman," I whispered quickly, getting his attention. "There is a series of fibers spread over the floor, likely to provide a surface upon which a realistic model of a hologram could've been cast." Poking at the model of ultra thin fibers, I noticed that they were very easily movable and reshapable, explaining how no one had paid them any mind, probably even purposefully disregarding them, but the moment I released pressure they reverted to their previous shape with impressive elasticity. "Neat."