[b]Soul[/b] Soul listened to Leval and nodded, well floated up and down slowly. He was about to answer when suddenly he disappeared just as Lunar ran straight into him. It was all suddenly very dark for him. He could feel a dark presence looming over him. There was a voice which boomed out. This place, wherever he was, it was very strange. He floated around slowly, trying to work out what to do, how to escape. when suddenly Lunar's eyes widened and flashed, her words were quickly cut off mid sentence. 'Hi wasn't expecting to see another werewolf at the....' Soul, now is possession of Lunar looked around slowly, completely confused. He spoke through Lunar, speaking to himself. "Where am I? What's going on....wait, am I speaking? Am I actually speaking?" Normally, he could 'talk' through his spiritual communication. It wasn't actually talking, it was more telepathic like. His voiced would just echo and sound empty, emotionless but now, he had a voice. He was actually talking. He looked at Lunar's hands through her eyes and smiled widely. Suddenly, Lunar began to dance, jump around and sing out loudly so everyone could hear. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWWR_oNWFog[/youtube] While he was singing, he was completely unaware that Lunar had been talking to someone previously. In fact, he probably made Lunar look pretty damn silly right about now. By the time he was done he sighed softly. "This is amazing, I've never possessed anyone before, I didn't even know how until now!" He looked at Lunar's hands again and slowly began to rub them along his new body, feeling the face, squeezing the nose, pulling the cheeks, rubbing the lips. It had been so long since he had a body, this was amazing. While in possession, there was so much processing going on in his mind. All of Lunar's memories, all of her personal details. He could even feel her powers deep within her. That sense of dread he had felt, it must of been her werewolf. He could feel it now, he could feel it all, but now that he had calmed down a little and had a moment to process everything that was happening to him, one question came to mind. How exactly did he leave? [@PharaohAtem][@RoccanIronclad]