Cinna simply nodded at he informed her of the status of his weapon. It seemed a bit late to have a weapon not ready to go into the field at this stage but whatever. Her gaze was directed entirely towards the actual school, not just its ground. There was no real concept of 'good enough' inside her mind, if you were set or tasked to do something then you did it to the absolute best you could do [color=crimson]"If you settle on good enough, you won't ever get better."[/color] She stated plainly. It was fine if that was the view Aeschel held, but she did not share it. The next statement sounded like a joke but from the expression she was getting from him, it told her that he might not be lying [color=crimson]"I guess you better stay on my good side then.."[/color] A rather sinister smirk arose, an aura of intimidation accompanying it as she looked up at him. She returned to viewing the school below, not noticing the fidgeting motions Aeschel was making. When he finally asked the question that seemed to be bugging him, Cinna paused for a moment then turned her head towards him [color=crimson]"Listen Aeschel. If I wanted you to leave, you would have left by now alright?"[/color] She firmly stated, looking him very seriously in the eyes. Suddenly, her golden gaze lightened and a smile returned to her face "[color=crimson]I've enjoyed our chat so far, I'm not that scary am I?"[/color] She purposefully did her best innocent-giggle at that remark. A quick glance back out the window and she could see that the airship would be landing pretty soon [color=crimson]"Looks like you will get a chance to escape me pretty soon."[/color] She semi-joked, enjoying toying with the poor squirrel-faunas now. Cinna knew that the two of them were quite different but that was made it interesting. He didn't annoy her, which was a huge plus. Now she just awaited the signal to prepare to get off this long ride. Interacting with: [@DrTwit]