[center][h1][color=c4df9b]Loading Arc...[/color][/h1][/center] [quote=@Zarkun] ...And now, here they were, sitting in a luxury hotel room waiting to begin an adventure on a new world. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, but he also knew that he had his team, so his fear was minimal. [/quote] The man on the phone explained to [color=c4df9b]Jason[/color], [b]"All you need to do is attend a meeting tommorrow at 14:00."[/b] Naturally Jason had a few questions... Apparently, the plan was to be picked up tomorrow at 13:00 by two vans. The first would take him and all his Pokemon besides [url=https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/garchomp]Crunch[/url] and [url=https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/skarmory]Prankster[/url]. The second would take those two and follow closely behind. They would arrive at a French governemt building about five miles away. His Pokemon would wait with the other Pokemon while he sat through the meeting. When it finished, he would recieve six Pokeballs (one for each of his Pokemon). From there, he would be free to wander the city and think over everything that was discussed. ([b]Quick Note:[/b] He will also be given a credit card like Liz was.) [hr] [quote=@Zarkun] ...Still, as he finished his lunch and was shown to the interview area, he was confident. [color=C10F0F][i]Can't believe I'm going to become a real life trainer. Man, mom's gonna flip when I send her the news.[/i][/color] [/quote] [color=c4df9b]Forest[/color] seemed to be doing well in the interview. His interviewer, Jacob, was very welcoming... dissarming even. After a few minutes, Jacob finished with his regular line of questioning and opened up a laptop on the desk. He then turned it around to reveal a paused video. [b]"Now, I'd like to show you a couple short clips. After each one, I would like you to talk about what you've seen, how it made you feel, that sort of thing. Okay?"[/b] The videos were high definition clips of Pokemon in the real world. In some clips, they were mearly walking across the screen. In others, they were eating wild native animals or fighting. And in others, they seemed to be communicating, with each other or with the person behind the camera. ([b]Quick Note:[/b] Make sure you read the next part targeted at [@Cerces22]'s character, Circe. It applies to Forest as well.) [hr][hr] [quote=@Cerces22] [color=f49ac2]...Do you have any other questions ma'am??"[/color] She had given this a lot of thought long before this and knew this is what she wanted most in life, and answered with the conviction to back it up. [/quote] [color=c4df9b]Circe[/color]'s interviewer, Kathy, calmly nodded her head and pulled out a laptop. [b]"Yes, now I would like to show you a few things..."[/b] She was shown multiple videos, some pleasant, some disturbing. Kathy watched her reactions very closely and listened carefully to her responses. Then finally, she closed the laptop. [b]"Okay then, now, one more thing..."[/b] Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, a red light flashed. As she turned, she found herself only six feet away from a three foot tall [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/0d73/th/pre/i/2014/359/1/f/beedrill_by_aryaplus9-d88muu3.png]Beedrill[/url] that hovered at eye level... ([b]Quick Note:[/b] Make sure you read the above section targeting [@Zarkun]'s character, Forest... Also, [@Zarkun], Forest's surprise Pokemon will be [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/f4ab/i/2011/258/9/3/real_life_kingler_by_z3292802-d49wht2.jpg]Kingler[/url].) [hr] [quote=@Cerces22] Liz bought several items, and after a quick lunch at a place called "Mick Donals", they went back to the site and awaited further orders. Liz took the time to train with her Pokemon; now they were weaker, but the shift to a new world didn't diminish their fighting spirit. [/quote] [color=c4df9b]Liz[/color]'s training took place in the middle of a large emptied out warehouse. Three government scientists observed her training from above, through the window of a second story office. ([b]Quick Note:[/b] I know this doesn't give you much to go off for Liz's next post, so it's up to you to decide where to go next with her. If you get stumped, you can always time skip.)