[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmODQwNS5VbTl6WlNCS1lXVm5aWEksLjAA/airstream-futuropolis.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC4xOGI5MzMuUTJobGJpQkRZWE4wWld4c2RXMCwuMAAAAAAA/anglicantext.regular.png[/img] [h2][b]Oasis[/b][/h2] [@Spiffy][@Gardevoiran][@Sho Minazuki][/center] Rose's voice would come in loud and clear through the Machina comm systems as she flew overhead, firing upon all sorts of mooks and minions from both Heaven and Hell. [color=darkorange]"This is your resident fire support Rose Jaeger, coming in hot!"[/color] Her various armnaments began to light up one after another, each one pounding the hordes of Hell and the holy soldiers of Heaven into oblivion to clear the way for Muramasa, Bonesword, and 53-AD. Her shoulder cannons however kept charging as she flew towards Amaterasu and Chen, firing at the very last moment before pulling up hard. Chen however was more than prepared for Rose's amateur strategy, pulling both Amaterasu and himself off the platform and onto a soft pile of flowers that Chen had grown to break their fall. Chen landed first, with Amaterasu falling onto his stomach moments later. Chen didn't even bother with a grunt of discomfort, pushing Amaterasu off of himself as he looked at Rose's retreating form. His wings emerged as he took off after the girl with only a mutter of [color=springgreen]"Don't fall behind."[/color] to Amaterasu as he chased after the Machina fire support. Both were heading to the first pyramid, with Rose attempting to stall Chen by any means possible. If one took the time to look into the skies, they would see flashes of light exploding and parting the clouds, along with occasional bursts of a green energy. [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmI5MTgyMS5UbWx1WVNCRWNtRmpZVzVwZFhNLC4w/moria-citadel.regular.png[/img] [h2][b]Oasis[/b][/h2] [@Lmpkio][/center] But there was no time to look into the skies for Nina as she landed at the first pyramid, a feral snarl plastered onto her face as she struggled to calm down. She was torn on whether or not she should wait for her companion, but shoved the thought out of her mind quickly. He would catch up sooner or later, either that or he would die. And if he did there was no point in sticking around and waiting for him, so with that thought in hand she entered the first pyramid. [hr] [center][h2]??? [b]Oasis[/b][/h2] [@Gardevoiran][/center] Bonesword had made a smart choice in staying away from the big players of the Nexus, with his current path in mind he was likely to completely bypass the heavy hitters of the Nexus and get to the pyramid in good time. His plan in theory was basically fool proof, which was a rare thing in the Nexus. However there's an old saying in the Nexus that any soldier worth their salt knows and lives by. "No plan survives contact with the enemy." Bonesword would suddenly find himself frozen in place, unable to move even a single bone of his body as footsteps crunched through the sand behind him. [color=slategray]"So you're the one who Gattica was making so much of a fuss over?"[/color] If Bonesword bothered to look at Charlie at all he would see that it's cowering, backing away from the feminine voice as the footsteps got closer and closer. Finally the [url=https://i.imgur.com/shzCBTT_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]owner[/url] of the voice would come into view as she walked into Bonesword's line of sight, a woman with an air of dangerous elegance about her. From the black horns that adorned her head to the ornate dress she wore, everything about her screamed that she was important and dangerous. Possibly even more dangerous than anyone else on this battlefield. Bonesword would be also able to see a distinct aura surrounding her that he could instantly recognize, this was the biggest warning sign. It was of Death, something he was intimately familiar with. This aura of Death was more intense than any he had seen in his unlife, [color=slategray]"You don't look like anything special to me. Just another skeleton minion of Hell."[/color] Suddenly she leaned forwards, examining him more closely from as she stared into his eyeholes. A small hum emanated from her throat, followed by a smile that would chill most to the bone. [color=slategray]"What's your name skeleton?"[/color]