Robin was white when he said “he is a villain from our n do of the woods...he used to one of Batman’s teachers before...he has a way of never dying. It’s this pit thing that if you swim in it it will make you young and heal all wounds...but it does a number on your brain. He runs the league of Assassins and has been trying to get Batman to join forces and lately his been trying to prove his turnednover a new leaf but bats isn’t buying it...” he looked at wolf and asked “why would you go to him?” Wolf lowered her head and said “he came to night I was in a bar fight and was winning when a jerk hit me from behind. I woke up in the back with with a man and a woman. She is his right hand at the moment and he said he knew me and bats:..he said he had heard what had happened and he wanted to help me get control of my demons. I asked at what cost and he said he wanted nothing. He just wants to help Bats in some way and he thinks helping me with do that...” strange frowned and said “I don’t about this teacher but his right in his thinking you could lose yourself. But now we have to remove that block and figure out who put the mental block there”