[center][h3][color=tan]OUR DISCORD LINK:[/color] [url=https://discord.gg/6Kh3nmj][color=c08752]https://discord.gg/6Kh3nmj[/color][/url] [color=tan]UPDATE 1: [/color][color=c08752]Gang information[/color][/h3][/center][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nAR6PKi.png[/img] [hider=The Unseen][center][img]http://image.ibb.co/bUkuqH/Unseen_Logo.png[/img] [b][i]"Without honour we are nothing but savages..."[/i][/b][/center] [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang History[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] Formed from the remnants of gangs from before the disaster, The Hidden are built upon a foundation of honour and respect. This way of operating is what distinguishes themselves from their rivals The Kings. They operate without rules or restraint, taking what they want from whoever they want. The Hidden detest the approach as it often means innocents get caught in the crossfire, bringing unecessary heat upon both gangs operations. After the distaster the gang was quickly set up and able to gain large swathes of territory behind the walls. After this they set about starting their operations. There was initial resistance from those located in their districts but ultimately they all fell in line. In the past, protection money was often just a fancy way of saying, 'Give me money or i'll torch your store.' Now however, protection money is wholly accurate. The Unseen police their territory and protect those within in it, whether they want it or not. Drugs are almost impossible to get, those with addictions prior to the disaster had a rough time as withdrawels set in. People found beating their partner are often dealt the same ten fold, no matter what the original victim wants. While it will sound as if they are protectors of the week, they are still heavily involved in illegal activity. They are an active gang and are not above extortion, assault and murder.[/indent] [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang Rules[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] The gang have a simple set of rules that must be obeyed. Failure to follow the rules results in a penalty that befits the crimes. It can range from the removal of a finger up all the way to death. The rules are extensive but are often broken down into five key ones that must be followed at all times: [table][row][cell]Rule[/cell][cell]Description[/cell][/row][row][cell]A Superiors Word is Final[/cell][cell]When a superior instructs a gang member to do something, they are expected to carry it out fully and wholly. Failure or refusal is considered a major act of disrespect and a huge slight towards the gang.[/cell][/row][row][cell]Do not steal from the "Everyday Man"[/cell][cell]Everyday man refers to an ordinary member of the public. The gang, while operating in illegal activities, tries to present itself as a gang of the people. They target high ranking officials, big businesses and their CEO's.[/cell][/row][row][cell]Do Not Touch A Brothers Partner[/cell][cell]The gang operates as one large family with a clear patriarchal order. However, not even the boss is allowed to touch another members partner. This is to ensure the eternal harmony of the gang isn't disrupted.[/cell][/row][row][cell]Never Get Involved with Drugs[/cell][cell]Drugs are mind altering substances that can affect a gang members judgement and ultimately lead to catastrophic decisions. Aside from taking drugs, it is also forbidden to sell drugs. The punishment is always severe, no matter the drug or the quanitity.[/cell][/row][row][cell]Do Not Commit Indecent Acts[/cell][cell]This covers things from urinating in public all the way to the extreme such as rape. Failure to follow this rule has resulted in several slow and painful executions.[/cell][/row] [/table][/indent] [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang Hierarchy[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/fBAikH/hierarchy.png[/img][/center][/indent] [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang Activities[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] [list][*]Gambling [*]Prostitution [*]Pornography [*]Extortion [*]Racketeering [*]Murder [*]Loan Sharking [*]Weapon Smuggling [*]Forgery [*]Selling of Organs [/list][/indent] [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang Appearance[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] The gang is made up of all races and has an even spread with no particular race standing out as dominant. The Unseen have a firm dress code with even the lowest ranked members expected to wear a button up shirt, trousers and shoes. Preference is a full suit as the Boss thinks it best represents the gangs intentions and the want to present a positive image. It also makes it easier to move through Eden without drawing attention.[/indent] [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang Key Locations[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/fr5DkH/fujitower.png[/img][/center] [color=cccccc][sup]Location[/sup][/color] Eden [color=cccccc][sup]Background[/sup][/color] The home of gang boss Kazuo Tanaka, Fuji Tower is also home to a legitimate business built on the illegal funds the gang has acquired over time. Known as Ki Enterprises, the business is responsible for 25% of the cities total energy supply, predominantly within Eden. With Morvai being the only known remaining city in the US, possibly the world, power generation is key. The populace of Eden are used to their comforts and without energy they soon fade away. Fuji Tower itself has strong security measures with a retinal scan required just to enter the building. Within is a hundred strong security force armed with the most advanced technology Morvai has to offer. Automated turrets and drones support this security force making it a veritable fortress. [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/fkvqXx/newosaka.png[/img][/center] [color=cccccc][sup]Location[/sup][/color] Korven [color=cccccc][sup]Background[/sup][/color] New Osaka is a large district within Korven that is run by The Unseen. The streets are often full, sometimes spilling out onto the roads at peak times. Petty crimes such as theft are almost non-existent, while cases of murder and rape are very low. This is due to the zero tolerance approach adopted by the gang to protect their streets. At all times there is atleast two gang members on each street within the district meaning that should anything happen, the gang can quickly get numbers to a location. In addition to this, each major road leading into the the district has a toll. The cost is minimal but it is used more as a security measure to stop any potential Kings offensive into their territory. In terms of amenities the district has the following: [list] [*]Hospital: It has the same capabilities as the hospitals located in Eden, Kazuo deciding that it is important his people and those in his district have the best medical care possible. [*]New Osaka Station: While police station is not quite accurate, this is the place for the public to report crime to the gang who will then act on that information. There isn't much in the way of red tape stopping the gang from handing out punishment to criminals outside of the gang. [*]Red Light District: Whether wanting to gamble, watch some prize fighting, drink or spend the night with another person, the Red Light District provides entertainment for its residents. [*]Public Transport: There is a bus service and a limited subway system. [*]Theatre House: Live music and plays are often sold out at the Theatre House. [*]Food Vendors: On almost every street corner is a street vendor selling a variety of foods.[/list] To ensure the populace had a persistant supply of food, Kazuo built a vast underground farm. It breeds livestock and grows enough crops to feed all of Korven. Once New Osaka is fed, the surplus supplies are sold to other districts for a large profit. The farm itself covers an area larger than Korven, albeit split across multiple levels. The location of the farm is a secret to avoid any attempts to raid it's stores. [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/nD5hCx/floatinglotus.png[/img][/center][/indent] [color=cccccc][sup]Location[/sup][/color] New Osaka - Red Light District, Korven [color=cccccc][sup]Background[/sup][/color] The Floating Lotus or Lotus as it is referred to by it's regulars, is a bar used predominantly by The Unseen. The staff is entirely female but are treated with the utmost respect. Gang members and non members who overstep the mark with them are dealt with swiftly and severely. Drinks are poured by robotic arms while the staff are responsible for singing, tidying up and generally making guests feel comfortable. [b][i][sub][color=cccccc]Gang Arsenal[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] With the constant threat of The Kings, Kazuo has armed his gang as best as he possibly can. Through blackmail and his contacts within Eden, he has managed to supply The Unseen with the latest in small arms and technology. From advanced assault rifles to sentry turrets , advanced surveilance equipment to assault drones, The Unseen are armed as well as any security force in Eden. In addition to ranged weaponry, the gang members all carry knives for when technology decides to fail.[/indent][/hider][hider=The Kings][center][img]http://image.ibb.co/eKgZAS/kings.png[/img] [b][i]"Give me what you owe me and i'll only take one of your arms..."[/i][/b][/center] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang History[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] The Kings were formed much in the same way as The Unseen, however they couldn't be much further apart. The Unseen project an aura of honour, respect and try to appear as upper class criminals. The Kings thrive on a policy of lying, cheating and stealing, all on the back of pumping drugs into the very core of Morvai. During the first few years of taking haven in Morvai The Kings were a small time outfit committing petty theft and the like. Over a century later and they are the most feared outfit, be it gang or security force, within Morvai. It isn't down to the ruthless efficiency like The Unseen or the cutting edge tech employed by the organisations security force, it is their ruthless brutality. They will often hold very public executions ranging from hangings from lampposts, throwing people off tower blocks or even public dismemberment. It is all done to keep everyone in their territory in line. Formed from the remnants of gangs from before the disaster, The Hidden are built upon a foundation of honour and respect. This way of operating is what distinguishes themselves from their rivals The Kings. They operate without rules or restraint, taking what they want from whoever they want. The Hidden detest the approach as it often means innocents get caught in the crossfire, bringing unecessary heat upon both gangs operations. The one thing that provides some sort of relief to the populace in their territory is street racing. It is held regularly and entrants are mostly made up of gang members. Winners are awarded big prizes and a level of fame, while losers end up having to scrimp and save to repair their cars for following races.[/indent] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang Rules[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] The Kings laugh at the concept of a code of conduct and their rules are quite simple. If you steal from the gang, you're dead. If you rat out the gang, you're dead. Everything else is above board.[/indent] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang Hierarchy[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/fhk2VS/alex.png[/img] [b]Alexander Burnham[/b] [i]Leader[/i] Alexander is like the leaders of The Kings before him, he saw a chance to take power and did it. He is a ruthless but highly intelligent individual and has a firm grip on his power that he is not willing to get away. Punishments he hands out are severe and often far outweigh the crime, but that is why his position as leader is secure. He stands at 5'11", his body toned from regular execise and he is capable of holding his own in a fist fight. [img]http://image.ibb.co/jLJ0H7/pavel.png[/img] [b]Pavel Swiatkowski[/b] [i]Enforcer[/i] Pavel is a man mountain at a height of 6'10", with a solid physique to back it up. His body is riddled with scars as he throws caution to the wind when defending his boss. During a previous attempt by someone to seize power from Alex, Pavel suffered four gunshot wounds, had three knives sticking from his body and still managed to stop the coup. It is rumoured he doesn't feel pain and is quite capable of literally crushing a persons skull with his bare hands. He spends most of his time with Alexander as his bodyguard, but on particularly difficult jobs he can be found there. [img]http://image.ibb.co/gy8NVS/cora.png[/img] [b]Cora Sanchez[/b] [i]Lead Hitman[/i] Cora is Alex's go to assassin when he needs someone gone. She has not failed to carry out a job yet and is referred to as The Angel of Death. She dons an intimidating facepaint to further amplify her horrifying aura. When not on a job, she rarely has contact with anyone, simply waiting for the next target from her boss. [/center][/indent] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang Activities[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] [list][*]Drug Dealing [*]Prostitution [*]Extortion [*]Racketeering [*]Murder [*]Weapon Smuggling [*]Forgery [*]Selling of Organs [*]Kidnapping [/list][/indent] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang Appearance[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] The gang has no strict dress code but people higher up within the gang are clearly distinguishable. They'll often be adorned in gold, whether the previous metal or golden colours clothes. Members at the foot of the hierarchy will often wear a yellow bandana to signify they are part of the gang.[/indent] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang Key Locations[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/fF1HVS/kingston.png[/img][/center] [color=cccccc][sup]Location[/sup][/color] Korven [color=cccccc][sup]Background[/sup][/color] Kingston is the district where The Kings are based. There is high poverty with many families living on the most basic of rations while members of the gang are often seen in flashy clothes and their modified cars. There are backstreet doctors, gambling dens, bars and the usual things you would find in a city, the problem is that prices are only truly affordable to gang members. The general public resort to food banks run by The Kings. The gang will only provide food to people who can either pay a fee or who will work for them. As a result, a large portion of Kingston is either a direct gang member to The Kings or they work in one of their many drugs or weapons factories. [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/byCVjn/speedway.png[/img][/center] [color=cccccc][sup]Location[/sup][/color] Korven [color=cccccc][sup]Background[/sup][/color] The Speedway is the name given to the course that the regular street races follow. While it was previously based above ground, issues with overpopulation resulted in a change of approach. The Kings built tunnels underground, wiring up cameras throughout to provide footage to those watching live. As it stands the course is almost an even split above and below ground. [/indent] [b][i][sub][color=ffd200]Gang Arsenal[/color][/sub][/i][/b][hr][indent] The Kings technology is lacking behind The Unseen but what they lack in technology is made up by their willingness to use their out of date weapons on anyone and anything in their way. They have a capability to produce their own small arms that are very similar in design to weapons from the early twenty first century. The weapons might not have the modern advances in ammunition or sights, but the bullets are no less lethal than they were over a century ago.[/indent][/hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nAR6PKi.png[/img][h3] [color=c08752]UPDATES POSTED HERE EVERY SUNDAY![/color] [sub][sub][color=tan]This roleplay has been orchestrated by the captain & her motley crew:[/color][/sub][/sub] [color=c08752]♡ 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽 // 𝓢𝓾 // 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻 ♡[/color][/h3][/center]