[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Elias quickly slipped through the door, shutting it behind him. Moving forward, Elias vaguely gestured for Sophie to approach him as he spoke. [color=royalblue]"Sophie, have you spoken with Wayne since they returned last night?"[/color] The Grimm's voice was hushed and urgent, beckoning Sophie to hurry her answer. [color=royalblue]"I fear something terrible has come to pass and I need Wayne to..."[/color] Elias voice trailed off as he noticed the gruff man lurking in the corner, unseen by the Grimm. He was perched lightly on the edge of a chair, with his golden eyes trained directly on Elias. [color=royalblue]"Oh, Wayne, you're here."[/color] Elias stuttered, disgruntled that he hadn't become sooner aware of the Wesen's presence. Glancing at Sophie, he continued. [color=royalblue]"What happened while you were gone? Who did Alexis see? What happened to her?"[/color] Wayne silently observed the pair for a moment before exhaling through his nose, turning to Sophie. [color=teal]"I had hoped to speak with you privately on this matter first, but it appears I am out of time. What did you see, Elias?"[/color] The pair briefly stared each other down, each unwilling to give forth information that they weren't certain the other person was already aware of. After a long pause, Elias spat out a single word. [color=royalblue]"Magic."[/color] Wayne's face darkened as he took in the new information. [color=teal]"Her transformation's taking place far quicker than I had hoped it would. Sophie, get ready, we must go."[/color] Moving towards the door, Wayne locked it to ensure that there would be no unwanted visitors entering. [color=teal]"While we were down in the Undercity, we spoke with a powerful Wesen. He, among other things, was able to discern Alexis' magical capabilities. He set us on a path that led to us encountering an individual claiming to be Alexis' birth mother, who spun a wild tale about her becoming infected by a Hexenbiest during the pregnancy. We weren't able to stay for long, but Alexis did cast a spell while we were still underground. I'm assuming her newfound revelation has sparked her Wogedon, the full transition into an adult Wesen. We have to find her immediately, before anyone else gets to her."[/color]