[@Dynamo Frokane] No, you again continue to shove words into my mouth as to what I do or do not believe, see anything about how I do not necessarily note wrong with what was said on the sample size, but so too noted it has no interest or connection to me, and that I had ample disagreement with their philosophy or approach. What you are attempting to do is play a game of "Gotcha!"; it isn't clever or new. You are still gravely out of line for attempting to label me something I do not stand by, believe, or even adopt for myself - I will repeat again that I do not follow them, let alone anyone else, and that so long as their political beliefs system is not causing actual harm, as in with this case it is not causing the maltreatment social or otherwise to other people's, cultures, or races, I do not care. Carrying on, you asked me what [i]I[/i] would call "white nationalism", so do not attempt to get all up in arms when I gave [i]my[/i] opinion about what I would find alarming or worrying about their movement based on what little I do know of them. As far as I am concerned and likely will continue to be, you have an ineffective identitarian movement that is openly aware it cannot readily sway the American public, [i]because[/i] as they admit, the concept goes against the core identities of the United States, and that it is attempting to be utterly apolitical.