[color=f26522][b][u]Igni kairn[/u][/b][/color] "Oh! Oh! Do a flower!" "Nooooo! Do a star!" Igni smiled as the two siblings - brother and sister respectively - bickered over what she would show them next, while the adults just glared at her. Gods bless the innocence of children. Seeing how the last request she did was from the boy, Igni figured it was only fair to do the girl's request next. Cupping her hands and leaning in closer to the two, a small ember twirled around in her cupped palms; much to the enjoyment of the two children. The ember grew in size, before suddenly shooting up as a crude, fiery flower sprouted from Igni's cupped hands. The shape only lasted for a second of two, but it was enough to make the two kids gasp in amazement. The flower quickly dissipated in a puff of embers, as holding the shape was still rather tricky. Unfortunately, one of the larger embers was caught by the wind and landed on the boy's exposed arm. It wasnt large enough to cause any harm, but it was enough for him to gasp in surprise. It was the catalyst the children's mother had been looking for all along. "Jeremy! Ann! Get away from that [i]girl[/i]!" The woman glared at Igni as she quickly yanked her children away, spitting out the word 'lady' as if it were an insult. Igni just frowned, wasnt dumb, she was well aware that people outside her village didnt exactly look kindly upon demons... Who could blame them, given the history? And while she had prepared herself for it, it still hurt a little. [color=f26522]"Hmpf... He's fine."[/color] She mumbled softly, while the entire busstation just glowered at her as if she was some monster. Crossing her arms, Igni leaned back in the seat; huffing a small bout of fire from her mouth. This was going to be a long and awkward bus ride...[hr] Bursting from the thickets, Igni panted as she ran into the clearing; little twigs and leafs sticking out of her hair. [color=f26522]"Ah... Ah... Hah... D-did I make it in ti- Ooh!"[/color] Igni's breath halted as her eyes gazed upon the veritable circus of creatures gathering around in the clearing. Feeling her spirits lift a little after the awful bus ride, not to mention fact she got off at the wrong station, Igni clutched her bag to her chest as she wandered up to the group of happily chatting people. She could recognize a few 'creatures' from her parent's books, but the majority were a wondereus mystery to her. Feeling a little hopeful, Igni wandered through the throng of people, hoping to maybe come across someone that looked like her... To no avail. While she didnt hate her parents in the slightest, there was an undeniable interest in her own heritage. Something her parents had kept uncharacteristically quiet about. Still tired from the journey, Igni planted herself underneath a tree with a happy sigh; away from the hubbub of the crowd of mythical creatures.