The unlikely trio had gathered up to follow the girl named Chiaki who was going to take them to the school's gym. She was appearantly the president of the Nobuya gunpla club. Kayl was uncertain which of the clubs would pose more of a challenge, but he was certain with the right strategy and tactics they could win. He was more tactical than strategic though. Syo felt eager to get started and walked with his hands in his pockets, with his backpack on his shoulders. Looking over the structure of the building but remaining somewhat unphased, he was not interested in some big stupid building. He wanted to fight. Ternal had departed from Lisa and Mika's vicinity after a soft nod, and joined up with his two companions. Not saying anything but he did throw glances to the other people around, as a buyer on an auctioneer. Trying to figure out who would be the biggest threat and who would not. They came to a stop with Kayl being the first to stop, Syo almost walking into him and then finally Ternal joined them. In a low tone they began to discuss matters between themselves. [b][color=0072bc]"So. I'd like us to play this safe. I shall scout out the opposition and relay their position to you after taking the first few shots you two head out. I shall target the largest piece of weaponry the enemy has with my GN sniper rifle. If you run out of plavsky particles, I shall give you a location where to find me and re-charge." [/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]"Hmph. I won't need a recharge If I tear the enemy teams gunpla, quicker than they can provide tears."[/color][/b] Syo smirked with amusement.[b][color=ed1c24] "Don't be too soft Kayl. The only thing which it really boils down to in the end is who has the better gunpla. They won't be able to beat my Beserk Ignited." [/color][/b] The arrogance and self-confidence shone through the young mans face. He had no idea of what he would face in there though, where most would feel worried or nervous he felt eager. He was considering himself the predator amongst prey. [b][color=ed1c24]"I really hope I don't have to carry your friend either."[/color][/b] Syo said in a somewhat mocking tone towards Ternal who in turn replied.[b][color=aba000] "...and I hope you'll last more than a few minutes in there with that attitude of yours."[/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]"What was that?"[/color][/b] Syo snapped and gave the blonde guy a glare. [b][color=0072bc]"Calm down. We need to keep our heads cool if we want to win this. So... any plans on how to do this, Ternal?"[/color][/b] Kayl asked after trying to cool down the more hotheaded Syo. [b][color=aba000]"Ofcourse. We'll do just as you said. Then also do not do any called maneuvers this time." [/color][/b] [b][color=0072bc]"Why not? They work well in our favor."[/color][/b] Kayl looked to Ternal in a questioning look. [b][color=aba000]"Which is exactly why we are saving them for the real tournament. This is a practice tournament so practice as much as you can."[/color][/b] The blonde said and gave both his teammates a cunning look, with a slight upturn at the corner of his mouth. [b][color=0072bc]"Very well then. We'll not do any of those then. Try to take down anyone bearing a long distance heavy damage weapon, or at least keep them busy so I can get in a good shot at them." [/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]"Hah. You won't get a good shot on anyone I am fighting because I will shred them myself. Especially that Kikkawa kid. I don't like the look on his face. Pisses me off."[/color][/b] Syo stated and gave a slight shrug. [b][color=ed1c24]"You worry too much about tactics and stupid things like teamwork. Just keep the other ones from interupting my fight and we shall win." [/color][/b]The darkhaired boy added with even abit more arrogance to it. [i][color=aba000]At least he has spirit but for how long? He is just like Shinn Asuka or Yzak Joule. Perhaps even Desil Galette. With that temper of his. Kayl himself is very much like Treize Kushrenada with abit of Lockon Stratos into the mix. A dreamer but one with skill. Then finally there is me. [/color][/i] Ternal mused in his own head. [b][color=0072bc]"Without tactics and a good team you are destined to fail. There is always someone stronger than yourself. Good teamwork can be the difference between winning and losing. Take for example Le Creuset team, they didn't work perfectly as a team and was thus unable to destroy the strike. On the other hand think of Celestial Being who did success after success due to their good teamwork." [/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]"Yeah yeah, what's with that suitcase anyways?"[/color][/b] Syo asked and threw a narrowed eyed glance to Ternal and his suitcase. [b][color=aba000]"If you care for your creations you make sure they arrive in style, and have spare parts or extra suits for other occasions."[/color][/b] Ternal answered him without looking at him. [b][color=ed1c24]"Great.. you probably need them if you can't fight for crap."[/color][/b] Syo crossed his arms while waiting on what team or teams to fight.