"Yo Chiaki!" Nanashi called as he gestured to out side, the girl nodding and following him outside. [hr] The two sat on a bench outside, water bottles in hand. "So, Nashi, you seem to be the same as always." Nanashi chuckled. "Look whos talking, I had to get you outside and away from your team to get you to say a nickname. Chi-chan has always been so formal around people." He said the last part with a fake sigh. "So, thoughts?" Chiaki took a gulp of her drink before responding. "Well out of our three teams, Team Chaser probably has is the favorite to get into the top of regionals this year." "Although?" Nanashi asked, clearly expecting more. Nanashi had known her long enough to know when she had more to say. "Although, the team from Karasato isn't that far behind them, track record wise. Both teams over the years have been in the finals of their own local tournaments." She finished as she stood up and began to head to the gym. "Our 30 minutes are almost up up. We should head back." She said as she walked backwards before stopping. "Say, I'm kinda curious why you decided to join the tournament. You kinda suck at battling y'know." She said teasingly. Nanashi frowned, heading back to the gym. "It's cause master said that I could win. And I want to prove to everyone he's right." He said without looking back. [hr] Inside Nanashi returned, Walking up to his team with a paper in hand. "Yo guys! I got the line ups for today!" He said as he beckoned everyone to gather around. "Ok, our first fight is with the Karasato Group, so it's gonna be tricky. We don't really have any info on their members or Gunpla right now so we're going in blind." He said as he showed them the bracket, the other teams [@Dezuel] acquiring them at the same time.