[hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLmY5ZGUzMy5WMmhoZENCUGJtTmxJRmRoY3csLC4wAAAAAAAAAAA,/bluefish-scratched-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Despite wanting to leave the conversation at that, Kalder felt the need to address the other topic Beatrice and Noel had so viciously discussed. Honestly, it had come off to him as a complete surprise. He had been convinced that she had hated him entirely, although the more he thought about it, the more it explained her more recent behavior. Her quick acceptance of his apology, her willingness to help him, her sudden eagerness to spend time with him. She had been honest with him before, so he was somewhat comfortable with asking her about it. Inhaling and hoping it wouldn't make things awkward (an optimistic hope of his) Kalder would look at Beatrice once more. Her light eyes watched his, slightly nervous, though she didn't look away. "[color=springgreen]I wonder how you could possibly have anything other than disgust for someone like me,[/color]" He said, frowning. "[color=springgreen]I don't get it.[/color]" That seemed to be enough for her to break eye contact with him, her cheeks flushing red for a moment before she scowled at him. "[color=crimson]Way to get straight to the point,[/color]" She couldn't help but grumble. "[color=springgreen]I'm serious,[/color]" He assured her. "[color=springgreen]You know how I am. You know what happened between Demi and I. You know about my engagement. And even then, you still...?[/color]" She nodded slowly, her eyes to the ground as they walked. "[color=crimson]It sounds silly when you put it that way.[/color]" "[color=springgreen]I'm just trying to understand,[/color]" He said, stopping in his tracks. "[color=springgreen]Tell me.[/color]" Beatrice's tracks would also come to a halt as she turned around to face him, planting her feet on the ground. "[color=crimson]Well...I liked who you used to be. I liked the boy who showed me around, the one who took his time to explain the wizarding world and its rules to me. I don't think I can forget that kindness...I think even after you changed I kept hoping you'd go back to the way you were.[/color]" Her explanation only served to confuse him further. Shaking his head, Kalder let out a sigh. How was he supposed to respond to that? "[color=springgreen]That's not how I am now, though.[/color]" "[color=crimson]I know. But I like how you are right now, too.[/color]" Kalder couldn't wrap his head around it. The way she looked at him was so genuine, even a little hopeful. What was she expecting him to say? Did she want him to say anything at all? He searched her face for an answer, but maybe it was just as Noel had said. Would she help him get over Demi? Was it even possible? If Demi had moved on, then so could he, right? At the same time, it wouldn't be fair to Beatrice; she would essentially be his rebound. But she knew that, didn't she? Or maybe he was just overthinking things and had simply misunderstood everything. His mind seemed to spin from the numerous thoughts piling onto themselves in his head. Kalder was so unsure of what to do or say next, but as he looked at the blonde haired girl, he felt he needed to say something. Anything. "[color=springgreen]I see,[/color]" was all he could muster, despite the numerous other choices. Beatrice didn't seem to mind. "[color=crimson]I'm just happy to get the chance to spend time with you,[/color]" She said. "[color=crimson]I'll see you tomorrow?[/color]" What a simple thought. He would nod in confirmation, a small smile on his face as she waved and turned to continue on. Maybe it would be alright to indulge himself. His smile quickly dropped as he noticed Demi and Luke. He looked at Demi for a moment, but instead of lingering he simply turned around and walked the opposite direction. Funny how [i]she[/I] would always turn up in every corner of his life. He wanted it to be a sign of things to come, that maybe they still had a chance. But that seemed less and less likely as more time passed. So why was he still clinging on to that hope?