[color=FFD700][b]"Yeah, good thing."[/b][/color] Micah said following along with the rest of the group. The young man turned to his friend who he felt like it was years since he last saw him, giving him a puppy dog eyed glance. [color=228B22][b]"I'm fine,"[/b][/color] Nev replied, inching closer to Micah as he stuck the grenade in his backpack. He patted the young man on the back, nodding with approval. [color=228B22][b]"We're going to stick around with them for awhile, at least until we're clear. The woman Zoe knows what she's doing."[/b][/color] Micah returned with a nod of agreement. He liked the group so far, Chase was a good guy and it helped that Elibelle was around his age and that she was easy to talk to. They hadn't had anyone else but each other for awhile now, so being a part of a bigger group also lifted the mood and the load on trying to survive. [color=FFD700][b]"You don't have a crush on her now do you?"[/b][/color] Micah said jokingly. Nev rose an eyebrow, smirking and shaking his head. [color=228B22][b]"That's the last thing I need in my life, kid."[/b][/color] The young man chuckled, lightening the tension of the serious situation. But he snapped back to reality as he heard the moans and gurgles of the zombies. Micah quickly rushed over to Elibelle and helped her push the car, [color=FFD700][b]"If you guys need help with anything just let us know. We're in this too."[/b][/color] Nev was bringing in the rear as he turned his body around, facing the way they had came from. He pointed his gun as he back-peddled along with the group. His concentration was marked to see if any zombies or even if any of the bandits were on their tail, with his peripheral vision helping him steer clear of obstacles in the alleyway.