Thank you, [@Pepperm1nts], for actually posting links to suggest some forming backing. While I am not confident in some of their validity, they are only tangentially related to Generation Identity, one might actually have potential grounds to it but it stays almost exclusively to an individual. However, you did indeed prove the point finally there is information [i]suggesting[/i] they act on more than they state based on affiliations, but is very inconclusive. As in return my searching on the matter noted Generation Identity was and is influenced by Alain de Benoist and Guillaume Faye, two who have reported contact with Richard Spencer and have appeared at events associated with the Alt-Right. Contrarily I noted no obvious evidence to suggest they adhere to any of the three names put forward to any notable extent. To note, attempting to tie any of these names together to Generation Identity largely failed in results - off the cuff remarks, almost all opinion pieces or known Left-wing affiliates, but nothing substantial even in those. They are correct in a few regards, such as suggesting the Generation Identity factions in Europe are influencing activities of similar, but radically different groups in the United States, namely their audience, but are not finding the same success; largely because the social and political associations, such as the issue I have said many times over that the "ethnic, cultural, national, and racial" lines they seem to focus on do not so much exist in parallel to the United States. A wonderful example of this is how the United States is not suffering a literal invasion brought on by their government of Middle Eastern, namely Muslim, descendants who are not immigrating and are starting to methodically dismantle the countries - the United States has severe illegal immigration issues of its own, but not a "replacement" sort. No less, there are factions and even standards of law that are strongly entrenched in the philosophy of Americans that are more resistant to these, even in their own government, but I digress. To call on a source that is vehemently against Generation Identity and identitarianism, and has seemingly superior research, Hope not Hate; [quote]Defend Europe received initial wider attention via North American vloggers Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern, had crowdfunding coming in from across the world on US alt-light troll Charles C. Johnson’s WeSearchr site, and had media support from figures including Frauke Petry (previously of Alternative for Germany), Nigel Farage, Katie Hopkins, Breitbart News, David Duke (former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan), alt-right figures Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor and leading Nazi website The Daily Stormer.[/quote] This is perhaps the strongest direct link I can note out of all I could find that more or less had any sponsors of racism to it and could be validated, however I note this is, for lack of better words, utterly unsurprising. The actual Alt-Right has inherent elements of identitarian politics in it and some of the so-called "Alt-Right" hold similar values or objectives with it. It only stands to reason that with a common interest, validity of an ethno-state, they make for convenient bedfellows despite having professed and well known oppositions to interests in one another, namely that the proposed objectives of Generation Identity are ideologically at odds with anything political; they aim to be their own entity, [i]not[/i] an arm, let alone sponsoring related tactics. There is other accounts of their activity involving "Alt-Right" personalities who these other factions are opposed to. I consistently note this theme by many stating the differences in portrayal from the accusations. I believe with confidence, to close this out, that the controversy surrounding Generation Identity revolves around a few things. First and foremost, any nationalist system, especially one that has any sort of ethnic or cultural leaning, will be right or wrong judged against those that have come before it, many of which have committed tremendous, grievous, and heinous crimes against humanity. This, in conjunction with an unfriendly media to their ideology - see the following point - has spun their power, influence, and angle greatly out of proportion. They have been made into the "other" and further divided along lines of the New Left and New Right, even further by American versus European politics. Second, it is my belief and understanding that the hysterical media, quick to label anything not kosher with their agenda, will portray anything - especially any patriotic, national, or culturally aimed approach, [i]even more so all three[/i] - as racist and supremacist. They have repeatedly done so, crying wolf in the United States and abroad, especially so in this case of Europe, where Generation Identity formed in France and then spread. The concept Generation Identity is rallying around, preserving their historical Europe, their classical people and nations, is an admittedly scary thought thanks to history. However, I can find nothing legitimate to these claims - at most I keep seeing continual, constant reporting that it more or less "Isn't nice to say the illegal immigrants, migrants, and refugees to Europe need to go home." and that they take issue with the Islamization of Europe. In fact, a fair number of these claims make it a point to nudge that their voicing of this opinion is what "They call this process 'freedom of speech'." and that somehow being against political correctness is wrong, but back to the topic. Third, it is my understanding in my brief assessment that Generation Identity as an organization is not engaged in actual crimes that would clash against their systems of belief, outlined on a previous page; they are not disparaging, mistreating, or inflicting harm on seemingly anyone, contrarily I see reports of their counter-protesters attacking them. At most they seem to have done is attempt to intercept refugee boats and been found guilty of wrongthink, but that is not the focus. I see that the perceived threat is drummed up more than the actual threat because it is politically convenient to their opponents, namely those predominantly in power, and who also hold strong, beneficial relationships with the media. Fourth, there appears to only be very loose ties to individuals who share similar opinions, in that is not the issue, but their endorsement is. I have addressed this before, but it bears repeating again; it should be utterly no surprise actual known white supremacists, or their organizations, support a movement as the preservation of the historically white continent of Europe and are against immigration, refugees, and Islam. To put this more directly, this is a "no-brainer", in that yes, of course they are going to endorse something that furthers their ideals. Let alone so called and so accused "Alt-Right" factions being tossed into it, see above for the media references and how the media has, for the past few years, effectively labeled any dissenters a part of the Radical Right. I must note I cannot find this being reciprocated by Generation Identity, who seem adamant on an ideological basis that they do not want to be any part of that and wish to be their own entity. To conclude, I find the accusations lacking in proportion to the freely available facts about them and the responses against them, down to some of their members or those associated with them, by government agencies an infringement of actual freedom of speech; as goes the origin of this entire endeavor and conversation. Ultimately, my assessment holds that there is a blatant double standard enforced and in play. Not to be neglected, while I do not agree with a number of concepts and pursuits of the organization, Generation Identity, I cannot find reasonable ground to confirm or believe that which is being shouldered on them is anything short of feigned, artificial hysteria, disproportionate to any actual, legitimate concerns. I have no further comments to add to the matter of my belief or findings, so I will close with this; the reaction is ill proportioned to the proclaimed transgressions. The accusations stand far larger in scope than the reality presented. However, it is with utmost importance I note that an organization as this does indeed have tremendous incentive and potential to seek less noble or honorable interests in their pursuits as history has taught us time and time again. While I cannot speak for them, or the future, I do not believe this faction to be a credible threat as claimed.