"Then let the games begin." Said Sousuke, approaching his terminal spot. He placed his GP base and then reached for the Crossbone Joker. When he pulled it out, a scrap of paper fell to the floor, "Huh?" Sousuke picked it and read it quickly. It was another note from Shouji: [i]Made some tweaks to the Joker's frame. You probably won't notice, but don't be afraid to ask for help from the team sometimes.[/i] Sousuke raised an eyebrow. This note was even more cryptic than the last one. Honestly, Shouji could just straight up [i]tell[/i] Sousuke what kinds of updates he made to the Gunpla, but it was too late to complain now. After what may have looked like a moment of hesitation to those watching from afar, Sousuke finally placed the gunpla on the base, "Kikkawa, Sousuke." he tipped his hat using his left hand, then used his right hand to make a finger-gun gesture that he decidedly pointed at Syo. Hopefully the trash talker would get the message. "Crossbone Joker... [i]steal the win[/i]!" and with that, his Gunpla launched.