[@catchamber] Not supporting them at all beyond the fact they have just as much a right, perhaps even more a claim to than others who are similar political factions, in voicing their opinions and not being silenced for "thinking wrong", as it were. Generation Identity's political ideology, as I have explained at length elsewhere in this topic, is neither Left nor Right and that they have their own motives and are essentially independent agents looking to push identitarianism as its own entity. Perhaps much in the same vein as a Green or Libertarian party, though with even more dubious claim to their ends. For whatever reason they wish to stand by being their own thing, which I note is not going to succeed well, at least in the United States. No less, to quote them on how they use "metapolitics": [quote] [b]WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THE TERM META-POLITICS?[/b] As Generation Identity, we emphasize that we operate in the area of “meta-politics”. We believe that political change is not only possible in the parliaments and party politics, but also in cultural activities, public debates, the media and on the streets. We therefore act in a kind of “pre-political space” which determines discourse and thus serves as the basis for direct and concrete political decisions. We strive for a normal, patriotic state of affairs and therefore our activity affects various areas of social life. With our actions and campaigns, we shape public debates about the issues of identity, mass immigration and border policies. We want to influence public opinion in a peaceful and democratic way and thus serve as an impetus for the electoral decisions, political awareness and the activity of the people.[/quote] [quote][b]WHERE DO YOU STAND POLITICALLY? ARE YOU ASSOCIATED WITH A POLITICAL PARTY? ARE YOU FINANCED?[/b] We see ourselves as extra-parliamentarian opposition movement. We act on public opinion in the UK and in Europe and, through actions, campaigns and political education work, we address central grievances within the framework of identity and immigration policy. In doing so, we always act independently of political parties. We offer a peaceful political space for action for young people so that they can channel their discontent about the state of their country in an effective but none- violent way. Therefore, we don’t fit into the pre-fabricated left-right political scale. For us, patriotism and love of our native country are central societal values that don’t need to be forced into party political templates. The affirmation of our own identity is for us a self-evident basic consensus which does not require any party programs. We finance ourselves through the donations of our supporters and the financial and idealistic support of our activists on the front line. If you also want to support patriotic youth work and strengthen young activists, you can do so with a small donation.[/quote] To the other point, they are seeming fair-weather friends to the "Alt-Right" and the Alt-Right by their account and are obviously opposed by the Left-wing on all ideological fronts alone in virtually all circumstances. To be direct, they are certainly no real allies or real authority, let alone power, to or for anyone but themselves.