[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180305/c0b2f46086b4b16664d98d20a98b0b48.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/304311083/original.gif[/img] [color=#547A0C][b][u]Location:[/u][/b][/color] ► The Bonfire ◄ [color=#547A0C][b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b][/color] ► Choua [@MissCapnCrunch] Theo Kaiser [NPC] Sophia [@SpicyMeatball]◄[/center][hr][hr] Archer turned around and walked backwards as he looked at Dante as he was still in his car, Sophia apparently really gets under Dante's skin. Archer snapped his fingers as he kept walking to get Dante's attention when his friend looked up Archer made a mock tear motion with his finger and then made a locking motion to signal Dante to lock the car when he was done... doing whatever he was plotting. Archer turned around again to face the bonfire and walked up to the little refreshments area and grabbed a beer and looked at the spread of food. His face lit up when he spotted a tray of egg rolls which had obviously been made by Choua, it was easy to see when you looked at the rest of the snacks. He grabbed a few of them, and as soon as he took his third one Choua's scolding tone could be heard. [color=#000000]“Share! Don't take too many!”[/color] She frowned at him and snatched his beer out of his hand, Archer chuckled as he tried to swallow what was left of the egg roll. [color=#547A0C]“I'm sorry Cho! You know I can't handle myself around your food! Hey, come dance later!”[/color] he yelled as he went further in to the crowd of people dancing. In the crowd he bumped in to some of the girls from one of his creative writing classes, they squealed with joy when they saw him and begged him to stay and dance and Archer felt he had to comply even if it was to Miley. After a few songs Archer felt way to hot so he took of his shirt and threw it on a nearby rock, he'd find it later... hopefully. He continued to dance with the girls for a while but then returned to the drinks to grab a new beer from the cooler, he bent over to take a closer look at his choices. [b]“Hey there handsome! That's a sight for sore eyes.”[/b] A voice came from behind, Archer straightened up and spun around. Standing there in front of him was Theo Kaiser, they guy Archer had been dating, or where they dating? Theo seemed to think they where at least. Archer smiled nervously at the boy in front of him, [url=https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/13671760_154067711665859_31109426_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI5MjY4MzU3NDI0NzY4MjExOA%3D%3D.2]Theo[/url] is very tall and muscular with a strong jaw and perfectly styled hair. Their relationship had started out innocently enough with a few looks in the library which led to a few kisses behind the library that lead to some night time visits to Theo's dorm room far away from Dante's prying eyes. Archer saw it as something fun and frivolous and he liked the feeling of being loved and needed, but lately Theo had shown more intense feelings and that made Archer nervous. He didn't really understand why someone like Theo would even go for someone like Archer. [color=#547A0C]“Hello Theo.”[/color] Archer said as he ran a hand through his unruly hair. Theo scoffed and pulled Archer in to a big hug and planted a passionate kiss on Archer's lips. Archer stiffened as he was still not really comfortable with public display of affection in that way, he knew that people probably didn't care but it still made him uncomfortable. He pulled away from Theo with maybe a little to much force, and looked around. As expected no one was really watching [b]“What's the mater? You're so stiff.”[/b] Theo walked around Archer and put his hands on his shoulders and started to kneed, already feeling uncomfortable Archer pulled away again with a nervous laugh [color=#547A0C]“Uhm, I just need to...find...”[/color] He frantically looked around for a reason to escape and finally he spotted Sophia sitting with some people [color=#547A0C]“Yeah I need to talk to Sophia she's... uh really upset!”[/color] he put on a apologetic look on his face and kissed him quickly before he almost jogged over to where Sophia where sitting. Archer smiled at the people she was sitting with [color=#547A0C]“Can I just steal her for like one minute? I'll bring her right back!”[/color] He said holding up a finger with one hand and grabbing Sophia by the arm with the other he pulled her on to a more private log that surrounded the bonfire. [color=#547A0C]“Dude I think I'm in deep trouble!”[/color] Archer whined trying to avoid Theo's stare by staring at his friends soft face. [color=#547A0C]“I should probably have told you sooner but I've been kind of seeing someone, don't look but he's standing over there”[/color] He nodded his head ever so slightly in Theo's direction. [color=#547A0C]“Anyway, it's moving way fast and I kind of want to bail...but not like break him!”[/color] He glanced at Sophia [color=#547A0C]“You know... like... ugh”[/color] Archer groaned and laid back of the log and put his back on the still warm sand. He looked back up to Sophia [color=#547A0C]“Help me?”[/color]