[@catchamber] How many different ways need I phrase the same exact thing? Be honest now. Regardless, I am stating the idea is somewhat valid for how they appear to be using it and in relation to the way people speak about politics. These identitarians are [i]not[/i] Left or Right, let alone Authoritarians or Liberals. That is the [i]usual[/i] political spectrum. Their concept is devoid of an explicit political attachment. They could, in theory, attack from any political angle they choose, but are not. They want to shape something larger than just how people use the word "politics". As an added note, I am using [i]their[/i] understanding of it to represent them as we are talking about them and their operations. I note it is questionable because the term itself is already tainted by political expectations, hence this conversation at all in the first place. I am sure someone with a political science background, or is simply directly involved in the science of politics, has an official term for it that isn't as vague, ill defined, or nothing as "metapolitics" seems to be, but at the moment we lack that.