[@catchamber] I do not believe it to be a matter of their intelligence so much as defining themselves. They are identitiarians by their own claim and are obsessing over who and what they are; only seems fitting they wish to make a concept outside regular modern politics into "their own" and brand it. Really all they are doing is re-branding their philosophy because of its past connotations, that I think is the most telling thing here. I certainly think they are acting "outside politics", at least modern politics. Historically and verbatim? Absolutely a political ideology, but not one with a horse in the race in this century. In a way, I can almost see them as a form of communist entity, one utterly devoted to their state and their people. I am legitimately curious where their members lay on the political spectrum by and large, at least their committed, die hard fellows. I imagine they are going to be Right-wing, but considering Generation Identity is a European product? Some oddness might be afoot. Would make for interesting talking points to see where they really hold their faith to outside identitarianism and assuming the Left-wing wasn't actually pushing them away.