(For those not in the know, I'm temporarily writing for Grnmachine, I'm not just taking over his characters for no reason, hehe) [u][b]Hisakawa and Suzuki[/b][/u] [b]"Hello. It appears that those two and I weren't the only ones in this situation. Either of you wouldn't happen to know what is going on here?"[/b] Hisakawa figured the man seemed friendly enough. Very to the point, but Hisakawa liked that—staying focused on the task at hand is important, especially in a situation like this, “No, not at all. We just woke up here only a few minutes ago.” He let the door go as Suzuki walked through, placing his hands in his pockets. Reo, for his part, leaned against the wall right beside the door, “There’s nothing of interest in there, if you’re curious.” He said, pointing to the door he just passed through, “Just a mess hall. Also, you said there are more people here?” “Oh, it’d be good to know about them! After all, information is of the essence when you don’t know what what’s going on.” Hisakawa recoiled from the obviousness of his own statement. There were [i]so many[/i] infinitely smarter things to say in that moment, “Okay, that was obvious, but you know what I mean.” He said, covering his face with his hands and lowering his head. Reo was beginning to get the impression that Hisakawa was a little scatterbrained, even in his slightly more focused state. Though, that could be from the anxiety this situation is obviously giving him. Regardless, he tries to refocus the conversation a bit, “Anyway, I’m Suzuki Reo, and that’s Hisakawa Hiroki, and any information you may have would be very helpful.” He walked up to the man, reaching out for a handshake, “And who are you?” [u][b]Damian[/b][/u] Damian, at some point, managed to pull himself back up from slippery slope he was going on. It seemed there was a lot of information he had forgotten, which was definitely unnerving. Well, he remembered his name and where he was [i]supposed[/i] to be, and that would have to be enough, for now. He pulled himself off of the bathroom floor, opening the door and taking a look around. Well, it was… certainly a bathroom. Seriously, how the hell did he get here? Within a few moments he found the exit, and opened it without hesitation. Well, this isn’t Hope’s Peak. Or if it is, they sure did a hell of a lot of false advertising. Well, he certainly couldn’t see any school building anywhere, so he’d have to say this isn’t it. And something about this fence was weirdly sinister... This situation was… odd, to say the least. But it wasn’t going to do him any good to sit around and be confused. There were a couple of people around him he could see—he supposed talking to somebody might be helpful. There were three people not too far from him, but he decided against talking to them. It just seems that would get a bit too busy. He also noticed a platinum-haired girl walking in the other direction. He started walking over to the strange girl (well, it was a bit of a jog, since he had to catch up to her), and called out to her when he got in hearing range, “Hey! Hi there, sorry to bother you, but I just kind of woke up here and I was wondering if you knew what exactly was going on?” Now that he was closer, he could see her a lot better- specifically, the table leg she was carrying around for no immediately obvious purpose, which suddenly made the idea of talking to her seem very dumb. But it was a bit late to un-talk himself out of the situation, so he simply stayed a good distance from her and decided to keep the conversation as brief as humanly possible.