[quote=@catchamber] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] How are they acting outside of modern politics? [/quote] You can tell because of the way it is. *shrug* Regarding Generation Identity (@ whoever I'm not keeping track)...frankly I hope they're not assholes. I was paying zero attention to them and then folks in here started screeching about 'em, and then a video popped up of Tommy Robinson reading a speech by that one guy from Generation Identity and I was like "Eh, I've literally never payed attention to any of these people but I guess the politics thread really wants me to be aware, I'll check it out." Then I watched it and most of it made me feel feelings. It was last weekend's rally at Speaker's Corner, if anyone feels like googling (and if you can find one that YT hasn't taken down yet). I was like "Huh. This guy is saying a lot of pretty awesome things and also there's a reserved (but telling) undercurrent of islamophobia in there, but MOST of this is awesome." I bet they're assholes, as that reserved-but-telling undercurrent was pretty hard to ignore, and if I was them, I'd avoid all the controversial shit in this situation. They mostly avoided controversial stuff, this time, but if you're insisting that they're assholes elsewhere I guess I believe you. But I wish they weren't, because 95% of what was said in the video was fantastic and I don't want the last 5% to spoil it. Anyway. Wouldn't have watched if it wasn't for all you fine folks in here, so 90-95% thanks!