[quote=@Penny] No bet ;) [/quote] I mean, I want people from Mexico to be proud of their Mexican heritage, I want people from Brooklyn to be proud of their Brooklyn upbringing, I want people from Canada to die in a glacier, I want people from Germany to serve me beer. [i]I have no issue whatsoever with British people being proud of Britain.[/i] I don't even have a problem with talking about what is, objectively, a migrant crisis in Europe. The situation is not normal, if you say "we want to have a conversation about this," I'm like okay, let's talk. But if the conversation includes "and we need to talk about whether or not Islam is allowed to exist," my eyebrow goes up. I'll talk it out, because you beat bad ideas with good ideas, not bullying, but.... in that situation, I'm thinking you're probably an asshole.