[quote=@catchamber] [@mdk] Do you mind linking the video in question? I tried looking one up, but the only one I found had terrible audio quality. [/quote] That's probably the one I was watching. Looked like a potato? [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z66mJbwYheo]here's one[/url] [quote=@Penny] Is anyone stopping them from 'being proud' of being from Britain? [/quote] Well the speech linked above was mailed in because they guy was arrested and deported for trying to give the speech so.... yeah, kinda? [quote]If they want to get together and masturbate to the Union Jack that's fine (I guess?) but it is when they turn their particular notion of what Britain is into action against others that it starts getting problematic. [/quote] Depends. Like I don't think speech constitutes 'action against others.' Enacting new policies can constitute 'action against others,' but I don't necessarily find that 'problematic.' I don't wanna give carte-blanche to start rolling over people's rights because hypothetically eventually someone might possibly do something bad. [quote]Personally I've always found Patriotism (and nationalism) to be silly. Im with Sammy J on this one, it really is the last refuge of the scoundrel.[/quote] I know some other one-legged veterans who might take issue with that.