[center][h2]Christine[/h2][/center] [hr] Christine followed Rurik to the elevator. She just watched with a curious expression on her face as he tried to open the door. She realized that she could probably open it by manifesting an ice pillar in the middle of the locked elevator doors, but she thought she would let her boyfriend try opening it first. She couldn't help but smile at him failing at doing so. As usual, he was just so cute. Rurik then gave up, intending to just blow it up with his power. But before he could do so, footsteps approached their location. Christine turned to see just who could be coming to visit them. "Oh, hello Katherine," Christine said with a wave of her hand and a smile, once she saw her sister, who just appeared from down the hall. "We're just about to open this elevator door. The normal way is blocked by my ice, you see. I blocked it because there's just so many imps there." As usual, the ice girl greeted her sister casually, even though they were enemies. No reason to not be polite to your opponents, Christine always believed. It was unfortunate that they had to pick a different, opposing school, but that's the cards fate had dealt them with. She would just have to go along with it. [@KillamriX88][@6slyboy6]