Neil side dodged another rock, the thrusters igniting for a split second to keep the Highlander airborne. A few rocks had even dinged the ship, but Neil had made sure it was on the thick hull plating and nothing fragile. He felt like the rocks were taking the role of hail in the storm, and it fit in a cosmic punishment sort of way. Then again, better up here than down there where the cast-aways and his captain were. After another minute, he knew this was getting nowhere. Even though he could easily mow down any of the Xenos from up above, it still left spots open, and to his horror some of them seemed to be able to regenerate by fusing together, as if they were single-celled organisms made giant, recreating themselves. "If these things aren't made from bio-engineering, then I'm a police officer." He was glad some of them were a bit too vaporized to attempt regernation, but it was still too much for the ground force. "Alright, that's it." Neil said, snapping the steering up and telling Lonney to take control once more after sending Lonney a new algorithm. "Aye sir!" Taya walked in, almost bumping into Neil before he caught her. "Any news on Junebug?" She asked anxiously. She wasn't as nervous as she had been the past few missions, but then again Neil guessed she had been through a lot since they'd met. "Yep, we're about to save her." Neil told her matter of fact, and passed her into the corridor. She spun around. "Wait, how!?" "Get to the cargo bay and you'll see!" She hesitated for a moment, and then when a boulder glanced off the ship and caused a large 'bump' next to her, she squealed and scampered after Neil, wanting to be anywhere in the galaxy but here. She then felt the same way ten fold when she made it to the cargo bay and saw Neil begin to work on the truck. "What in the hell are you doing!?" She gasped, very certain he had gone insane! Well, even more insane than usual! "Head to the bay hatch and strap yourself in!" He called from under the jeep. "Open the door when I give the signal." Taya heaved in breathe, hyperventilating at their situation, but she did as she was told as if her body was being controlled by some unseen force. Vaguely she realized her waking self had drawn within to make sure she didn't start crying, and once she was strapped to one of the wall straps, he stood next to the button that would open the hatch. Neil suddenly slid out, pulling a large item out from under the hover-truck. Taya knew it to be the reactor engine. Once Neil got to his feet, he unslung his grenade launcher and grabbed the handle to the reactor, his free hand grabbing onto one of the overhanging chains of the 'workshop." "Now." He ordered, and Taya pressed the button. The hatch door opening brought a torrent of rain and wind surging into the Highlander, nearly yanking her off her feet and out of her skin. To her surprise, Neil wasn't effected. Or even amused, which was even more surprising. He had complete concentration, and a closer look revealed him wearing some form of head phones? With the time apparently right, Neil let go of the reactor as the Highlander swirled round over the enemy Xenos. The floor inclining slightly to the left and the reactor shot out into the mountain's run. Almost as if he foresaw the Highlander steadying, Neil stepped calmly forward and let go of the chain, both hands on the grenade launcher. His muzzle followed the descent of the reaction, until the hundred pound steel contraption landed on one of the beasts and crumpled it from the velocity. It had only just begun to pick itself up, lifting the reactor as if in curiosity when a krak grenade struck it squarely. The resulting explosion rocked the Highlander, Neil only having time to comment. "Sick" before he was flung into the wall. Below, the explosion sent shockwaves down the mountain, crashing into advancing beasts and incinerating most of them within a hundred meter range, giving those further up the mountain a much needed respite. Neil was out cold, blood trickling down his skull from somewhere within his thick mane of hair. To Taya's surprise, the Highlander then began to lower itself closer and closer to the plateau where the royal soldiers held the line, the cargo hatch lowering to allow passengers. Taya was not there to see Neil placing in the algorithm to do such a thing before they ever made it into the cargo bay... [@Penny]