"If the wraiths keep coming here," Nanda wondered out loud, "Then we probably shouldn't stick around here. There are way too many spots they could flank us from." She gesetured at the six dark corridors surrounding the room. Flanking and being flanked was common in the maze-like slums of cities. Then again, cities don't usually spawn undead. "Anyway, if they keep spawning, we shouldn't stick around at all. We gotta find where they're supposed to spawn from, right? Is that what the big boss asked you to investigate? Did you find anything?" Scratching noise then was heard from one of the corridors. Rio was asking Arwyn to do the scouting. "I could do it, if you like. Or we can do, both. You can take that corridor and scout them out," Nanda pointed at the one where the noise was coming from. "I can go scout somewhere else. Make sure there's no more wraiths in the other direction."