I disagree with just about everything​ the modern Left-wing has to say or their vision of the United States, especially the fringe elements of it as the social justice crusade or the democratic socialists, but at the same time I certainly do not hate them. I have a difficult time not hating Nazism or communism, let alone socialism, but I can respect their right to an opinion, even if they are guilty of atrocity and are willing to adhere to that; a bad opinion is still an opinion. Action is where the issue is. I strongly dislike the spineless "conservatives" who are nothing more than career politicians and more than happy to play face for votes than for their beliefs, rather what beliefs they should have had given who they were elected to represent. Hate them? Absolutely not. Want them out of office so the [i]real[/i] candidates can be in? Absolutely. I dislike the "Alt-Right" memesters who steal from actual Alt-Right sources or subtly push fringe agendas or do outright, even if they only do it "For the lulz." or to be edgy. As far as I am concerned, that is just as potentially damaging as actually associating with them; we have seen the media cannot discern a green frog from a hate symbol as it is. Some might be clever, some funny, but at the end of the day, this is not a game. Certainly not fond of Islam either, too many moderates turn a blind eye to the radicals, and the radicals I too am hard pressed not to legitimately hate; they are essentially inexcusable, but hatred isn't an answer. The religion itself is not the issue wither, it can be reformed and there [i]are[/i] some Muslims who believe in reforming it, just not enough. It isn't "incompatible" with the Western world, but that requires compromise and integration, things a number of them are flat unwilling to do. No friend of criminals either, no real sympathy or mercy for them as well. But hatred? I try to avoid hatred. Disdain and distaste, even abhorrence in the sense of laothing to contend with them? Acceptable.