[quote=@Penny] I'm really no sure what people find so hard to fathom about not associating with people who hold views you find reprehensible. [/quote] Because the last time I tried having a straight/100% honest, civil conversation with you. You told me 100% straight, without a hint of humor in sight. "Suicide bombers are okay and shouldn't be stopped." (After pause, given the important clarification. That they can't -kill- anyone. (another reason why I know you weren't being sarcastic when arguing. So the following environmental and property damage. And the mental trauma and physical injuries of innocent life. Nah, just it's okay long as nobodies dead.) So I haven't the faintest frick where your moral compass is, and what it is or isn't deeming to be indefensible. >.> Edit: And the very same people who think "the tumblr genders are probably on the up and up." Think everyone is a Nazi, including the following... https://twitter.com/Spainkiller/status/976096833117278209 [hr] [quote=@Pepperm1nts] You can think whatever you want about the sources, it does not change the fact that they have called for "peaceful" ethnic cleansing among other things. You are free to look up information using your preferred sources, if you actually care to. Not surprised you still defend them, though. You've already displayed your ignorance in spectacular fashion with your comment about the nazi party a few pages back. I'm going to have a lot of trouble taking you seriously after that one. :rollin [/quote] Progressives really don't have senses of humor do they? I even put /S, if you couldn't parse the meaning of the obvious sarcasm. I'm going to have trouble taking [b]you[/b] seriously... No, I wasn't actually judging your sources. I'm again pointing out your hypocrisy that you always call out "bias" in sources when it means literally nothing. (Actually the site pointing to the bias, is itself bias in a way. Just look at a few of the sites on their list they claim "are least bias" shit like doctors without borders is on there...) And again, I figured you were being snarky to match my own previous snark. But now you're genuinely trying to argue "your joke", and I pointed out people like Mussolini started Facism because he felt that was the only way true socialism would ever come to fruition. Though, my original post wasn't trying to be a factual argument, it was a joke to show the vagueness of her loaded statement. [hr] [quote=@Pepperm1nts] Conservatives, I guess. [/quote] I believe you. [i]I guess.[/i] [hr] Oh, and on the U.K. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_MxAXaKzOU[/youtube] And if you're out of the loop. Because of his girlfriend kept bragging about her cute dog. He made his girlfriend's small dog, do the least cute thing he could think of, and learn to lift one paw to the word "sieg heil" and made a video of it while giggling. This joke, which no one on earth cared about. Is now possibly putting a man behind bars... (save the cheering, defending or "it's a fringe, 'entire country'" comments on this one.)