I have decided to start in Combedean but have not yet picked a city. Below is a map, please do not open on a mobile device as it is a high rendering for detail. I will allow you to decide why you are travelling to or through the city we start in. Please decide how your characters know each other so we don't have to do the drudgery that is the "meet and greet" that seems to be standard fare for this type of game. While there is a "main" plot I will not be forcing players onto a specific quest just to shove it down your throats. Instead, you may pursue any "side quests" or other adventures until you stumble upon the main quest. To me, it feels more organic that way. Just because you know each other does not mean you have to like or even trust every single one of your companions. Bare in mind, it is hard to rationalize having someone in the group no one gets along with despite their uses. [hider=Combedean]][img]https://vgy.me/Nej0Qb.jpg[/img][/hider]